

The Borders are Killing, Open the Borders!

Hundreds of groups and organizations worldwide sign multilingual Statement demanding peace, fundamental rights and freedoms of every person on the move. Five years after the so-called “refugee crisis” and almost four years after the EU-Turkey deal, we are once again witnessing…

Spain and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: event in the Spanish Congress

As a result of the visit to Spain by Setsuko Thurlow, survivor of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, an event took place in the Spanish Congress of Deptuties on the 26th of February to talk about Spain’s position regarding the…

Julian Assange, Political Offences and Legal Restraints: Day Three of Extradition Hearings

By Dr Binoy Kampmark Wednesday, February 26, Woolwich Crown Court.  Today, the focus shifted to the protagonist himself and the nature of the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003, a contentious document that shines all too favourably for US citizens. Julian Assange,…

Extinction Rebellion Faith Communities launch 40 Days of Action on Ash Wednesday: Enough Earth Destruction!

Christian Climate Action and Extinction Rebellion Faith Communities join forces during Lent for 40 days of Action where people are invited to choose one action to commit to for 40 days to protect the Planet 40 Days of Action will…

U.K. Court Opens Deliberations on Julian Assange’s Extradition Case

A British court has started deliberations on whether to extradite Julian Assange to the U.S., where he faces espionage charges and up to 175 years in prison for his role in publishing classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq…

Roger Waters on Julian Assange In London

 Craig Murray’s blog Roger Waters has become one of the most eloquent and persistent supporters of Julian Assange. He is prepared to challenge the propagandists of the mainstream media head-on in a way that many more people should do. Du…

Julian Assange extradition hearing begins 24/2. Yesterday’s London demo for his release

Thousands went to the streets to demand Julian Assange’s release. Speakers at the event included Yanis Varoufakis, Julians‘a father John Shipton, Pink Floyd’s Roger Walters and fashion designer Vivien Westwood. The demo was also attended by people from several European…

DiEM25 demands: no extradition of Julian Assange to the United States

DiEM25 Communications 17/02/2020, Articles Spread the word Julian Assange’s extradition hearing begins on February 24. We demand that Julian Assange not be extradited to the USA! We are therefore calling for a protest march from Australia House to Parliament Square…

France. Researchers stand against the commodification of knowledge

“We need an ambitious, unequal law – yes, unequal, a virtuous and Darwinian law, which encourages the world’s best scientists, teams, laboratories and establishments, a law that harnesses efforts.” These were the controversial words of Antoine Petit, mathematician and director…

Extinction Rebellion UK launch new strategy: ‘In 2019 we demanded change. In 2020 we begin building the alternative’

On February 12, Extinction Rebellion UK launched its new strategy for 2020 saying: ‘This is the year rebellion goes beyond the streets and into the fabric of everything we do.’ Barely a year old, Extinction Rebellion has already been recognised as the…

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