

Europe accepts the legislative initiative of citizens demanding a Universal Basic Income for all its residents

The European Citizen Initiative (ECI), which calls for the establishment of a Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) for all people residing in the European Union, was accepted by the European Commission on Friday May 15, 2020. The General Secretariat…

Scotland joins wave of countries blocking tax haven-tied corporations from receiving Covid-19 bailouts

The Scottish Government has backed a Green Party amendment to exclude corporations registered in tax havens, or with subsidiaries or other arrangements in tax havens from receiving Covid19 bailouts. To date, Wales, France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland and Argentina have all…

School reopenings will not necessarily help protect vulnerable children

One part of widespread measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has been the temporary closure of schools. In the UK, they have been closed since March, but the government has recently announced plans for the phased reopening of schools in…

Kremlin expands online voting possibilities amid COVID-19 fears

Moscow takes its latest step towards digitising elections In Russia, socially distanced voting has just become a lot easier. Russia’s parliament has passed a law to extend the possibility of “distance voting” — particularly online. The amendments to the country’s…

Eritrean Refugees Sue EU for Abetting Forced Labour Back Home

A Dutch Foundation of Eritrean refugees, Foundation Human Rights for Eritreans, has filed a lawsuit in the Amsterdam court against the European Union (EU) for its role in financing a road building project in Eritrea that uses forced labour. The Netherlands is host…

Coronavirus: German doctors warn of second wave ahead of holiday season

Lockdown restrictions are continuing to ease as the European summer vacation season approaches. But as people gather on beaches and in bars, experts warn that large crowds could spark a fresh wave of infections. As European countries prepare to reopen…

Tale to Love

This tale was written by Laurence Baranski at the beginning of May 2020. Any resemblance to the earthly situation would be purely coincidental … VIDEO: Like all tales, this one begins with “Once upon a time …” It was happening…

Hungary: Decision to strip trans people of the right to legal gender recognition is “step back into the dark ages”

Following today’s vote in parliament on a new legislation that bans the legal recognition of transgender and intersex people in Hungary, Amnesty International’s Researcher, Krisztina Tamás-Sáróy said: “This decision pushes Hungary back towards the dark ages and tramples the rights…

Fighting and writing for Moldova’s place in the pantheon of world literature

An interview with Moldovan novelist Iulian Ciocan Moldova lies on cultural, linguistic, and geopolitical faultlines. Until 1991 this eastern European country of around three million was part of the Soviet Union, where Russian was considered the language of prestige. Upon…

European organizations support Nobel Peace Prize for Cuban doctors

More than 25 European organizations are supporting the proposal to award the Cuban medical brigades with the Nobel Peace Prize, due to their contribution to globally fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the platform activated in France reflects on Wednesday. Convened on…

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