

Cáceres rejects lithium mine

Citizens of Cáceres, Spain, are opposing lithium mining project that jeopardises World Heritage and sustainable livelihoods at a new extractive frontier. 134 local and environmental organisations from Spain and around the world have expressed their support for the citizens of Cáceres,…

As election looms, Serbia’s leading party wants to defend citizens from dinosaurs

This is scaremongering taken to an new level Serbia has entered a an election silence before a vote scheduled for Sunday, June 21, which is probably a good thing. Since the biggest opposition parties have declared a boycott, blaming the government…

Talk. Roberta Ristow

In the midst of an uncertain scenario, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Casa da Escada Colorida invited Roberta Ristow, content creator, consultant and collaborative journalist at Vogue, to talk about innovative initiatives and the adaptation of the art market to new…

Netherlands protesters call for removal of colonial-era statue

Police in the Netherlands have broken up rival protests at the statue of a Dutch East India Company officer. Colonial-era figures have become focal points of anti-racism protests around Europe in recent weeks. Some 500 protesters on Friday gathered in…

Troop Reduction Debate

German government advisors: Washington could close US bases in Europe to more offensively engage against China. Independently of the Trump administration’s recent move in that direction, German government advisors are hinting of possible US troop reductions in Germany. In a…

‘Unacceptable threat’ and ‘provocation’: European nations fume after US pulls out of talks on global digital tax

European nations have blasted Washington’s decision to pull out of talks on a major overhaul to the taxing of digital giants, which currently move profits into low-tax havens from the places where those profits are actually made. The plan to…

Italy Should Stop Arms Transfer to Egypt

Deal Contravenes EU Pledge, Risks Facilitating Further Abuses Claudio Francavilla EU Advocacy Officer Last week, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio responded to outrage over a possible massive arms sale to Egypt by saying the deal hadn’t been finalized. But…

Marriage for All in Switzerland and Access to Sperm Donation for Lesbian Couples.

In Switzerland, same-sex couples should also be allowed to marry in the future. The Grand Chamber of Parliament decided so; the National Council also voted in favor of authorizing sperm donation for lesbian couples. However, the bill must overcome other…

Brussels calls out China and Russia over corona fakes

The European Commission has unambiguously pointed the finger at Russia and China as spreaders of disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. Lithuania’s ambassador to the EU said Brussels should have gone further. In a communication on ‘Tackling Covid-19 disinformation’, which was…

Charles Dickens and the push for literacy in Victorian Britain

Such is the aura still surrounding Charles Dickens that it is no surprise readers want to mark the 150th anniversary of his death in June 1870, even in the middle of a desperate global public health crisis. While this impulse to show…

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