

Unaccompanied Migrant Children Sleeping Outside in Paris

Authorities Should Urgently Protect Them, Give Them Shelter Since June 30, unaccompanied migrant children have been camping in central Paris, stuck in limbo while a judge decides on their fate. Aid organizations, including Médecins Sans Frontières and Utopia 56, set up…

While EU leaders squabble, the Elephant in the Room remains unnoticed

By Yanis Varoufakis* While the media are reporting the news of the deadlocked EU Summit negotiations over the so-called ‘Recovery Fund’, an eerie silence prevails regarding the Elephant in the Room: The huge wave of austerity the Eurozone is sleepwalking…

UNHCR welcomes new Ukrainian statelessness law set to end legal limbo for thousands

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes a new statelessness law in Ukraine which…

Solo protest in the Netherlands for the Uyghur cause: One man takes on the Chinese state

The author’s identity has been kept anonymous for safety reasons. Starting in 2017, the Uyghur community living in China has been subject to increased targeting and indiscriminate imprisonment by the Chinese authorities. This policy of racial and religious profiling has…

EU leaders struggle to break deadlock over coronavirus package

EU talks on a shared coronavirus stimulus package have broken up temporarily, with the bloc’s leaders still at an impasse. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said progress had been made, but failure was still possible. EU leaders wrangled over the…

Has the coronavirus proved a crisis too far for Europe’s far-right outsiders?

In recent years, far-right political parties in Europe have capitalised on crises to build their support bases. Many have made it to positions of power as a result of these efforts. The financial crisis of 2008, the refugee crisis that…

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK In this video, we provide an overview of the case against Craig Murray. Murray is a journalist and former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan. After…

Balts believe that they are under occupation

By Viktors Domburs Research fellows from GLOBSEC published at the end of June their report «Voices of Central and Eastern Europe» which presents perceptions of democracy and governance in 10 EU countries, including the Baltic States. GLOBSEC is a global…

Amsterdam Tests New Post-Coronavirus Model

Empty Amsterdam during confinement by coronavirus (Image by Peter Noordendorf) As soon as the confinement imposed by the pandemic is over, in Amsterdam the model called “donut” or double circle has begun to be adopted, to try to repair the…

US Intelligence Agencies Spied on Assange

Court records confirm: Behind Julian Assange’s surveillance was the security team of US billionaire Sheldon Adelson. Rafael Lutz for the online newspaper INFOsperber A campaign has been going on for years against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has used the…

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