

A month after Moria fires, UNHCR warns of worsening conditions ahead of winter

This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Four weeks after the fires destroyed Moria Reception and Identification Centre…

Estonia is a ‘digital republic’ – what that means and why it may be everyone’s future

People around the globe have been watching the build up to the US election with disbelief. Particularly confusing to many is the furore over postal ballots, which the US president, Donald Trump is insisting will lead to large-scale voter fraud…

Golden Dawn is a Criminal Organization

The court convicted the whole party and organization of Golden Dawn.  Thousands of people gathered this morning outside the Court of Athens waiting for the announcement of the decision for the Golden Dawn trial. Schools, unions, organizations, political parties, anti-fascists…

Wednesday 7th October: neo-fascism will be defeated in the court of law and in our global consciousness

A year and a half ago the European editorial teams of PRESSENZA have proposed to the Global Forum of DW (media partner of Pressenza) to host an event on the golden dawn trial. We were about to invite (own costs)…

Are Belarusian Cyber-partisans from Lithuania?

BY KASPARAS JANKAUSKAS Belarusian Cyber-partisans again have made problem for the Lukashenko’s regime. They recently have attacked the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, United Payment and Information space (electronic system created for instant payment for goods or services) and…

Ende Gelände 2020

Ende Gelände mobilised thousands in Germany last weekend, targeting both coal and gas and developing tactics to protect activists from coronavirus transmission. The eighth Ende Gelände went ahead in the drizzly and cold Rhineland region of Germany last weekend. Over 3,000 activists pushed through…

Tide Might Be Turning in Britain’s Ties with Germany and the EU

Viewpoint by John Kampfner The writer is author of ‘Why the Germans Do It Better; Notes from a Grown-Up Country’. This article was first published in the International Politics Society Journal of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The fall of the…

Italy: a vote to be safe, hoping to return to “normal”

The Italian elections (a referendum, regional and administrative elections) have, as usual, upset the predictions of the pollsters who had given overwhelming victories to the center-right in an anti- government sense. What happened is exactly the opposite: despite the evident…

Doughnut Economy for Berlin

With her “Doughnut Economy”, British economist Kate Raworth brings a breath of fresh air into the discussions about sustainable economy. Of all things, she stylizes a greasy, sweet pastry rollas a symbol of doing economy in a sustainable way. According…

Coronavirus: divide-and-rule tactics are clearly not working for the UK’s exhausted, fractured population

The UK government has introduced hefty fines for those not following the latest rules brought in to manage the COVID-19 crisis. It has also told bars and pubs to close at 10pm and reduced the number of people that can congregate…

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