

Genetic engineering research is a secret: How the federal government and the EU want to let us run blindly into a high-risk adventure

Classified information: Millions and millions are spent on genetic engineering projects, but research into the risks of genome changes and into detection methods that make it possible to detect genetically modified organisms, for example in food, is completely underfunded. Genetic…

Germany’s Sea-Eye adds fourth migrant rescue ship to fleet

The NGO is launching an additional vessel amid a spike in the number of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Some 900 people have drowned making the treacherous journey from North Africa to Europe. The German migrant rescue organization…

E. Salvanou: in the country an agenda against every kind of civil rights is being played out

By Emilia Salvanou*. “Streets and protests carry the virus and give birth to disease” (Michalis Chrisochoidis, Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, 14.11.2020) In striking opposition with the recent decision of the European Parliament that the corona pandemic should not be…

German industry hopes to lift Bolivia’s lithium treasure

Bolivia boasts one of the biggest lithium reserves in the world. After Luis Arce was elected the country’s new president, exploration hopes are mounting, especially among German investors. The glory days of the mines in Bolivia’s Cerro Rico (Rich Mountain)…

Spain: Respect Rights of People Arriving by Sea to Canary Islands

Ensure Adequate Reception Conditions, Access to Information and Asylum Spanish authorities should immediately alleviate overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on the Arguineguín pier, Gran Canaria, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, Human Rights Watch said today. Since November 7, 2020, when Human…

Glasgow City Council Requests Funding for Universal Basic Income Trial

At the end of October, the Glasgow city council voted in favor of a proposal to request from the governments of the United Kingdom and of Scotland to fund a pilot scheme for a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The proposal…

Trident must be destroyed, not given to Westminster

There appears to be a presumption that upon Scottish Independence, the Trident submarine fleet and its incredibly destructive WMD’s must simply be handed over to Westminster by Holyrood. That is wrong in international law; if the weapons remain on the…

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Some politicians still ignore ‘core European values’ 25 years after peace deal

Despite significant progress made in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the signing of a peace deal 25 years ago this month, some politicians continue to ignore “core European values” and even glorify war criminals, the international community’s High Representative for the…

Unearthing History Unchecked: November 1917

A good friend of mine in Rome, Italy sent me this blog article which struck me in a particular way during this time. In disbelief, I witness the rise of “privileged” defiance, self-absorption—the criticizing, threatening, exclusion of different voices. I…

Nagorno-Karabakh: Mediation in good faith is vital

27 September 2020 marked the start of a renewed armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh among the forces of Azerbaijan, the Armenian-populated Republic of Artsakh, and Armenia.  The conflict has provoked a loss of life and the destruction of civilian property.  Of…

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