
Central America

Call for a non-violent response to the attempted coup in Honduras

The President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, has been taken captive by members of the military. In his recent speech to the OAS, he called on the population of his country to take non-violent options or civil-disobedience and calm organisation against the events that were being prepared.

President Zelaya of Honduras on Nonviolence

Inaugurating the recent OAS Assembly in San Pedro Sula, President Zelaya spoke about nonviolence

“The topic of nonviolence is essential during this century. Violence has grown exponentially and has many faces. Nonviolence must be the guiding principle of society, of the state vis-à-vis citizens, and of the state vis-à-vis states.

Nonviolence must take the form of ongoing dialogue for the creation of a just, equitable, and inclusive world order, based on solidarity and respect for human beings, the dignity of individuals, and restructuring of the international community and its institutions.

Nonviolence is the principle of action that rejects force, which is the major cause of violence. While the causes of violence are numerous, as you all know, so too should be the responses and the actions of nonviolence.

This is the approach we must have in the short, medium, and long terms if we are to build a society based on other principles, principles that must steer our ways of acting and thinking in our society.”

Rigoberta Menchú Endorses the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

The Nobel Peace Prize winner recently confirmed her support for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, an initiative of the Humanist Movement. She also said she would be pleased to welcome the marchers when they pass through her country.

Coordinator of the World March for Peace and NonViolence gathers support in Costa Rica

Rafael de la Rubia obtains support from a sector of the government, the media and universities during his visit to the Central American country

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