
Central America

Peace, environmental protection, integration – Costa Rica a model State for Latin America?

Costa Rica went its own way: without an army, but with investments in education and health, a sustainable economy and an open society, Costa Rica became a model state in Latin America. Costa Rica is one of the most prosperous,…

El Salvador – a model for mangrove conservation?

Conservation by local women and fishermen in Barra de Santiago has had a significant impact on the environmental and economic resilience of the coast. By Julian Reingold A fisherwoman in the bay of Barra de Santiago (Image: Julian Reingold) Near…

Costa Rica hosts conference on digital dehumanisation and autonomous weapons

Activists from around the world have gathered in Costa Rica to participate in the 4th global meeting of the Stop Killer Robots Coalition on Digital Dehumanisation. The international coalition, which brings together 160 civil society organisations from around the world,…

Generations and politics in Latin America and the Caribbean

The political forces that value human solidarity and critical thinking are astonished to see that many young people, a priori considered champions of rebellion and promoters of new visions, are manifesting themselves on the public stage by adhering to retrograde…

Escazú Agreement – the Legislative Assembly’s shelving of a landmark regional treaty adopted in Costa Rica in 2018 under its leadership

On 1st February last, the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly decided not to keep the file on the Escazu Agreement, which had been submitted to it in February 2019 (see, among many news cables, this cable from the EFE news agency…

Caribbean first region to launch universal early warning system initiative

Every year at the same time, the Caribbean region faces a cycle of hurricanes, which in recent years have evolved in force and frequency due to climate change. For this reason, the region was chosen to launch an initiative for…

Chomsky and Prashad: Cuba Is Not a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba, a country of eleven million people, has been under an illegal embargo by the United States government for over six decades. By Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad Despite this embargo, Cuba’s people have been able to transcend the indignities…

Mónica Valente, secretaria ejecutiva Foro de Sao Paulo: “La integración sólo ocurrirá si los pueblos son los protagonistas”

Paralelamente a la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños se formalizó la creación de la Celac Social, un espacio integrado por más de 300 organizaciones políticas, sociales y sindicales de América Latina y el Caribe, del…

Towards the definitive emancipation: The Caribbean peoples and CELAC

At the recent VII Summit of Heads of State of CELAC held in Buenos Aires, Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, was elected to lead the Pro Tempore Presidency during 2023. This is the first time…

Celac Social was born with the leading role of organisations from the region

The first meeting of Celac Social was held under the slogan: “Latin American and Caribbean integration to stop the new Condor plan in the region”. This is a space that brings together social, political, trade union, indigenous and human rights…

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