

Turkish diplomacy ready to organise peace talks between Ukraine and Russia

Today Turkish President Erdogan announced to the press that his country is ready to mediate the peace talks needed to resolve the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The statement issued by the Turkish presidency says that Zelensky and Erdogan have…

A Book about Critically Endangered Animals is now Out

LOVE FOR LIVING ANIMALS Author Mona Sabalones Gonzalez Main Photographer Elizabeth Barrett   “The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchild may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book? “– David Attenborough…

NCCA’s Heneral Tuna Contest: Outstanding Digital Art from Young Filipinos

Earthlings from all over the Country Celebrate Filipino Values through Digital Art November 2023 was a busy month for the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) as it celebrated Filipino Values Month with a slew of activities celebrating…

Goddess Parvati: reality is not disconnected from her

All religions collect substances from the mundane reality and manifest those in their scriptures and narratives. But considering this process very insignificant, labeling it anthropomorphic will be imprudent. The religions mainly deal with the Anthropon (Greek term; singular Anthropos) or…

President Xi Jinping’s 2024 New Year message

On New Year’s Eve, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered his 2024 New Year message via China Media Group and the Internet. The following is the full text of the message, which we publish particularly appreciating his vision for peace and…

PAWS & EcoWaste: Firecrackers can Traumatize Animals and Pollute the Air

28 December 2023, Quezon City.  An animal welfare group and an environmental health group urged the general public to welcome the New Year sans firecrackers and fireworks to protect animals such as cats and dogs, as well as the ecosystems,…

U.S., Japan’s record defense budgets intensifying geopolitical rivalry

Japan and the U.S. have adopted record-breaking defense budgets for 2024, with Japan accepting a 16-percent rise in military spending, and the U.S. authorizing $886 billion in annual military expenditure, which totals $28 billion higher than it did for the…

The main thing is “the hope of the people”.

On social networks and in the media, an endless amount of bad news appears every day, in which we can see the most heartbreaking war misdeeds. This can lead us to the false idea that the world is lost. However,…

Contrasting Strategies of the US and China: Prospects for Peace and Solving Global Problems

Xi Jinping: “It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other… the planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed.”   Joe Biden: “We will not leave our future vulnerable to the whims of those who do…

Baloch Yakjahti committee Long March

On 29 October, Balach Baloch, son of Mola Bakhsh, was forcibly abducted by the Pakistani notorious police Counter Terrorism Department. On 23 November, the Counter Terrorism Department killed four innocent Baloch, including Balach Mola Bakhsh, in a fake encounter. Balach’s…

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