

Terror, Trauma, and the Endless Afghan War

We may never know what drove a U.S. Army staff sergeant to head out into the Afghan night and allegedly murder at least 16 civilians in their homes, among them nine children and three women. The massacre near Belambai, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, has shocked the world and intensified the calls for an end to the longest war in U.S. history.

Peace activists denied entry into South Korea, Jeju Island

Last week, money was raised to send three US Veterans for Peace to Jeju Island, they were not allowed to land; meanwhile, the South Korean authorities detained and began the process of deporting two international nonviolent peace activists, Angie Zelter UK Benjamin Monnet France. Reports from Veterans for Peace US and Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.

The Year After the Great East Japan Earthquake

Bangkok – Japan is widely regarded as well-prepared for disasters, being used to frequent tsunamis, cyclones, earthquakes and volcanic activity, but a year after the calamitous events of 11 March 2011, the lessons from the multi-disaster still resonate.

No Nukes Forum – Cracking the Nuclear Labyrinth

On this the first anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster questions remain to be adequately and correctly answered on: is life in Japan back to normal? What lessons were learnt about the hugely funded nuclear industry? What do we really know about radiation and nuclear energy, what impacts do these have on our lives?

Dog walk for a cause

To a nose flute player and friend, Dom-An Macagne, the mix of dog walks and social issues makes sense. Being an animal lover herself, she realized the organized and shared joys of dog walks together with social issues of peace, women’s rights, animal welfare, as well as environmental awareness, go hand in hand. Thus the “Dog walk for a cause” demonstration and show.

Tamil Madu – giving homeless children a place

The foundation “Humanist Home for Children”, established in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, in 2001, was legally registered in 2006 and since then has been surging forward at full strength. The largely volunteer staff have been conducting awareness programmes across the whole of Tamil Nadu, targetting both rural and urban sectors. Now an orphanage is developing.

Fukushima Citizens Speak Out

A fully bilingual press briefing will be held on March 3, 2012 in Fukushima City, co-sponsored by Green
Action, Peace Boat and FoE Japan.
The briefing will be an opportunity to hear directly from Fukushima citizens’ groups in the leadup to the
first anniversary of the disaster on March 11 about their activities to monitor and protect children and
citizens from radiation.

Sri Lanka – system operators fail…

An advisor to the Sri Lankan president went to Vavuniya February 25 to talk to the people displaced by ‘the war’ and was interviewed by a BBC correspondent. Informed of the problem he stated that the administration that the British left does not work anywhere and that is the problem! This report based on a Asian Human Rights Commission press release.

Ladakh and Delhi – Live to Love

Neighbour in Hong Kong Vonnie Boston took a walk through India’s Maharashtra state, late December 2011 to early Jan 2012, on an environmental mission. She was also able to help an organization near Delhi. This was the Kabliji Hospital that offers free eye treatment. Vonnie kindly made a donation in my name, as it was my 70th birthday in 1st January. What a thoughtful present.

International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day originated as the international recognition of Language Movement Day, which has been commemorated in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since 1952, when a number of students including the students of the University of Dhaka were killed by the Pakistani police in Dhaka during Bengali Language Movement protests.

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