

The hidden side of sanctions against North Korea

The economy of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has suffered through decades of international sanctions -that were intensified after the two nuclear tests of 2006 and 2009-and the imposition of extended controls over its economy and trade by the…

Don’t buy flowers for us, buy bikes for poorer kids…

Bikes from Heaven Don’t buy flowers for us, buy bikes for poorer kids… This was the admonition prior to Jacky Andrews funereal from the Andrews family, and Jacky indeed was an ordinary – well, you know, no Nobel Prize or…

Japan – Philippines: Bridge for Peace

Writer and Green Pioneer Konomi Kikuchi writes from Patagonia: Congratulations! Bridges to Peace was covered by NHK world. This organization was founded by our friend, Naoko Jin in order to build a bridge for peace by delivering messages from Japanese…

Uzbek Elena Urlaeva, drugged, beaten and detained by police

Dear people, Drugged, beaten and detained by police — this was the fate of activist Elena Urlaeva who dared to document state-sponsored forced labour in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan this May.1 In Uzbekistan, the whole country suffers at the…

Maiti Nepal: fighting against girl trafficking

Maiti Nepal Fighting Girl Trafficking, an Interview with Flora Gurung By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. An important interview with Mrs. Flora Gurung on tour in Germany with the girls of the association Maiti Nepal. Flora is also the director of…

Bangladesh: Bitipara Park immersed in the light of joy

To Pressenza, I am sending you a link to see some pictures from yesterday [October 2, 2015] when we celebrated The Day of NonViolence in Bitipara Park [of Study & Reflection, Gazipur, Bangladesh]. It was an interesting celebration where many…

SRI LANKA: Sense and nonsense on judicial matters

SRI LANKA: Sense and nonsense on judicial matters A comment on the approved UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sri Lanka Basil Fernando Now that the UN Resolution on promoting Reconciliation, Accountability and Human Rights in Sri Lanka has been…

Iran’s invisible opportunity

Amory B. Lovins, a physicist and ex-Oxford don, is co-founder and chief scientist of the USA’s Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent, entrepreneurial, nonprofit think-and-do institution. Lovins has written a worthy if rather long article titled: “Iran’s invisible opportunity”, here we…

Near-total meltdown of Fukushima reactor 2 confirmed

Researchers say between 70 and 100 percent of fuel inside reactor 2 melted during 2011 disaster by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams At least 70 percent of nuclear fuel inside one of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi…

Ban ivory trade to save the elephants

Every year in Africa, over 30,000 elephants are killed, primarily to satisfy the demand for ivory in Asia. A new report by WWF-Hong Kong reveals seven fundamental weaknesses in the regulation of Hong Kong’s ivory market. These weaknesses enable illegal…

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