

Reports from Fukushima five years later – part 1

As the fifth anniversay of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan approaches, Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education, is on a tour of the affected areas measuring radioactivity, listening to reports of those who survived and providing…

Bay of Bengal ‘Three Times More Deadly’ than Mediterranean for Migrants and Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch 23 February 2016 – Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency…

Conflict & Peace, Which Way Should We Choose?

Seoul, South Korea – Amid rising concerns of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula from the recent nuclear tests and satellite launch by North Korea, the organisation Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) hosted a peace forum,…

Islam’s approach to gender justice

 Abdulhalim Abu Shaqqa: By him men will understand the real nature of Islam’s approach to gender justice (Kaleem Koya) By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. In the following I would like to introduce you to a teacher, translator, and editor from…

Hong Kong: Guo Du – TRANSITION

There is a little know world subsuming Hong Kong as Financial Centre, this is one of the characters taken from the territories lesser frequented byways… GUO DU-James Tam’s Blog * 过渡 - 谭炳昌的博客 Guo Du — TRANSITION in Chinese —…

Taiwan: what’s cookin’ – introducing Taiwan Insider

TAIWAN INSIDER Vol. 3 No. 6 Regional tensions increase following the purported deployment by China of surface-to-air missiles on a disputed island in the South China Sea; Taiwan will not accept a Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling on the South…

East West Dialogues 2016

  After the East West Dialogues 2015, during the last weekend, the international meeting “East West Dialogues 2016: New Generations in Orient and Occident: surveys and dialogues” took place in Varkala (Kerala, India). This meeting was the peak event of…

Last stand of China’s ‘comfort women’ demanding recognition not money

Hong Kong’s Mei Li from the organisation Hong Kong History Watch has interviewed many WWII Chinese ‘comfort women’, in Shanxi and Hainan over the past few years. These were women of all ages that were forced by the Japanese to…

New China – the writing on the wall

Although this writing was completed in 2003 and the paragraphs on ‘no external debt’ will appear out of order, best bear in mind that all that is spoken of in this essay is still ‘in potential’ and the riddance or…

Fish ball riots in Hong Kong’s Mongkok

In Hong Kong 2016 the Lunar New Year was being happily celebrated across the territory and in the crowded ever-popular Mongkok district it was the perennially delightful scene of crowds and snack stalls, kids and elders alike all enjoying seasonal…

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