

New economy, same old problems for China’s workers

04.2016 Supporting the Workers’ Movement in China New economy, same old problems for China’s workers Workers employed in China’s new online companies are increasingly taking to the streets in protest as their bosses fail to pay wages and lay off…

China, Russia & India unite against US intervention in Asia Pacific

The statement cautions against the internationalization of the disputes By Ankit Panda, Two days ago, in Moscow, the foreign ministers of India, Russia, and China released a joint communique outlining areas of trilateral agreement between the three countries. As I…

30 years since Chernobyl: effects suppressed and downplayed

Marking the commemorations of  the nuclear disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima, IPPNW Germany is calling on the German government to work towards a speedy closure and decommissioning of all nuclear reactors in Europe. One early morning thirty years ago, humankind…

Nepal earthquake: one year on

PUTTING CHILDREN AT THE HEART OF OUR RESPONSE The April and May earthquakes in Nepal caused nearly 9,000 deaths and injured over 100,000 people. Children lost friends and family members, faced injuries and disability. This report provides an overview of…

De-escalation of military threats needed and dialogue with North Korea

North Korea will halt its nuclear tests if the US ceases its annual military exercises with South Korea, Kim Jong-un’s foreign minister has said in a rare interview with western media. This following the North’s foreign minister, Ri Su Yong,…

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation concerned about Jammu & Kashmir situation

In a Joint communique issued by the Summit, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, it reaffirmed that Jammu and Kashmir is the core point of dispute between India and Pakistan. Pakistan claimed that the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has called on…

Sheik Muiz Bukhary holds Islamic discourse in Hong Kong

This past Friday April 22, 2016, I had the great pleasure of listening to Islamic scholar from Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sheik Muiz Bukhary who is also an imam of the largest Jumu’ah Masjid there. Following the talk, I spoke to…

WWF-HK bottom feeding on a consumer society ridden with guilt

NGOs such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are cashing in on poverty. They extract bad news from the never ending flow of it beamed from all media and offer that with little imagination added to so many who feel…

Soros spreading mis-information on China, why?

Is it worth reporting, as such as Bloomberg does, on comments made by billionaire investor (read speculator) George Soros who is saying China’s March credit-growth figures should be viewed as a warning sign? Soros was speaking at an Asia Society…

Deal with root causes of problems to break cycle of violence

Hong Kong citizen Kwan Wing-yi made an impassioned speech at a special Legislative Council meeting late February 2016 that was held to discuss retirement protection, as reported by Jason Y Ng writing for the South China Morning Post. The activist’s…

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