

China takes the driver’s seat on free trade

Two months before the inauguration of Donald Trump as the next US President and the likely end of the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal, signs emerge that the Asia-Pacific region is turning towards a Plan B. During his presidential campaign,…

Hundreds of thousands of South Koreans demand president’s resignation

Hundreds of of thousands of protesters in South Korea have taken to the streets of the capital Seoul to demand the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who is embroiled in a power-peddling scandal.  Organizers expected as many as a million people…

For a concrete refugee policy in India

While Assam is boiling against central government’s move to grant citizenship to religious minorities from Bangladesh and Pakistan, a nationalist people’s forum is raising its voice for a concrete refugee policy for the country to deal with such situations in…

Opposition to nuclear energy grows in Japan

Opinion polls show the Japanese people oppose nuclear plants going back into operation. It underlines the scale of the problem facing the government in convincing everyone that it’s safe. Julian Ryall reports from Tokyo. Before October 16, Ryuichi Yoneyama had…

Preface to the South Korean edition of Basic Income: The Material Conditions of Freedom

Daniel Raventós This book, now translated into Korean was first published in English (Pluto Press) and Spanish (El Viejo Topo) in 2007, just before the onset of the present grave economic crisis. A Czech edition was published in 2014 (Rubato).…

No to nuclear tests and military exercises, yes to peace and disarmament on the Korean Peninsula

On the 2nd of September, the joint South Korean-US military exercises known as “Ulchi-Freedom Guardian”, in which more than 50 thousand Korean and 25 thousand US soldiers took part to “review joint defence strategies”, came to an end. The USA…

ICAN condemns North Korea’s nuclear test, urges nations to pursue global nuclear weapon ban

September 9, 2016: North Korea today confirmed that it had conducted its most powerful nuclear test explosion to date, with an estimated yield of 10 kilotonnes, triggering a magnitude 5.3 earthquake. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) – a…

Kazakhstan claims ‘moral right’ to push for banning nukes

By Ramesh Jaura BERLIN | ASTANA (IDN) – The fact that President Nursultan Nazarbayev shut down the Semipalatinsk test site “against the interests of the Soviet military authorities” even before the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan became “fully independent”, is…

Laos and the US: blood and secrets

Barack Obama is the first US President to visit Laos. Yet Laos has a long and painful history with the US, stretching back over 50 years. And this history is made up of a secret war, a secret army and…

Myanmar Turns to Kofi Annan for Help on Festering Rohingya Crisis

Human Wrongs Watch By Sara Perria* YANGON/LONDON, Aug 27 2016 (IPS) – Myanmar’s government has responded to pressure from the international community to tackle religious tensions and persecution of Muslims in Rakhine State by appointing former U.N. secretary general Kofi…

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