

IPPNW statement on Korea crisis

The persistent tensions on the Korean peninsula are rapidly escalating into a crisis fueled by mutual fears, provocations, and the volatile temperaments of two unpredictable, nuclear-armed heads of state. The current US administration seems determined to “resolve” the situation through…

Civil Society under Threat in Cambodia: One Year in Prison

One year ago, on 28 April 2016, the Cambodian Government arrested five prominent Cambodian human rights defenders. Four senior staff members from the NGO Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), Mr. Ny Sokha, Mr. Yi Soksan, Mr. Nay Vanda,…

Free Tibet – for the dignity of Tibetan People

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following interview with Sam of the organization Free Tibet struggling for the rights of Tibetan people and for their dignity as a free people. They denounce the Chinese oppressive regime at…

Prafulla Samantara Receives The Goldman Environmental Prize, Asia, 2017

by National Alliance of People’s Movements New Delhi, April 24: Prafulla Samantara, National Convener, National Alliance of Peoples’ Movements and the leader of Lokshakti Abhiyan, Orissa has been awarded The Goldman Environmental Prize, Asia, 2017. The Goldman Environmental Prize honours…

Japanese Government Should Make Sincere Effort to Reach Peaceful Settlement of the North Korean Issue

Statement: Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo) 1.  Responding to North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, the U.S. Trump Administration is reportedly deploying two destroyers carrying Tomahawk missiles and a carrier strike group of…

No more Hibakusha

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons. Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN, gathered on the 25th and 26th to plan their strategies and to bring everyone up to date with the…

Japan detains movement leader to silence struggle against U.S. military bases

By Michael Caster On October 17, Hiroji Yamashiro was arrested for cutting a wire fence at a protest against a U.S. military base in Okinawa. He has been held in detention ever since. Yamashiro, the chairman of the Okinawa Peace…

Sri Lanka: Multi-Ethnic East Cannot Meet Tamil-Majority North

By Sugeeswara Senadhira* COLOMBO (IDN) – Immediately after announcing the temporary merger of the North and East in July 1987, the then Sri Lankan President J. R. Jayewardene, in a surprising policy dichotomy, declared that he would canvass against the…

SUARAM Malaysia – struggling for human rights

By Denise Nanni and Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik Now let’s move to Malaysia to talk to Chew Cy (Dobby) of SUARAM, struggling for human rights in the country. The organisation SUARAM, active for 20 years in Malaysia, predominantly works on issues…

Lucky timing stopped Fukushima being much, much worse

Here we reproduce the lastest information video from Fairewinds Energy Education in which Arnie Gundersen explains that but for lucky timing with the tsunami hitting while all the stations on the Japanese coast were fully staffed with people able to…

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