

Kyushu Financial Group (KFG) avoids inhumane weapons

By Susi Snyder for the Don’t Bank on the Bomb Campaign. On July 10th, Kyushu Financial Group (KFG) released its new corporate policy paper, which includes prohibitions of investment or loans for companies that develop and/or produce inhumane weapons such…

Kazakhstan, the newest state party to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On 29 August, the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, becoming the 26th signatory state to do so. The Treaty will enter into force at the…

Re-evaluating Kashmir in Rishi Kashyap’s land

By Nava Thakuria Suddenly narratives over Kashmir have changed for both India (Hindustan/ Bharat) and Pakistan where New Delhi extended its horizon up to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (known as Ajad Kashmir) and Islamabad aggressively insisted on its domination over the…

Letter from Nagasaki to All National Governments

Special Resolution: 2019 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki Assembled in Nagasaki, the second A-bombed city following Hiroshima, we call on all national governments in the world to take action, by abolishing nuclear weapons at the earliest…

Hong Kong In The Crosshairs of Global Power And Ideological Struggle

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers Hong Kong is one of the most extreme examples of big finance, neoliberal capitalism in the world. As a result, many people in Hong Kong are suffering from great economic insecurity in a…

Largest Hong Kong Protest in Weeks Defies Threats. Intimidation by China

In Hong Kong, organizers say as many as 1.7 million pro-democracy protesters took to the streets Sunday in the largest demonstration in weeks. Protesters marched in the rain as the popular uprising, which started 11 weeks ago, showed no sign…

Women lead struggle to preserve Indian democracy in face of rising Hindu nationalism

With fascism on the rise, Indian women are organizing trainings and campaigns to foster communal harmony and safeguard constitutional rights. Yamuna Matheswaran August 14, 2019 After the Indian government’s decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, people across…

Russia and China are Growing Together Again

By Jonathan Power In her famous decree in 1767 Empress Catherine the Great proclaimed Russia to be a European power. She wanted Russia to be a major player in European politics. She compelled the Europeans to accept Russia as a…

India’s colossal blunder in Kashmir

Ayesha Ray, King’s College for the Conversation In a stunningly dangerous, undemocratic and secretive move, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government repealed Articles 370 and 35a of the Indian Constitution using a presidential order. The government failed to…

Hundreds of Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protesters Occupy Airport

In Hong Kong, hundreds of pro-democracy activists are occupying the city’s main airport as they kick off a weekend of direct action protests. They’re demanding the resignation of Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed leader Carrie Lam, an investigation into violence against demonstrators,…

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