

Water-Sanitation: forward-looking reflections

Forward-looking reflections In this last issue, we look back on what we have learned in 2015 and can take with us in the new year. CEO Patrick Moriarty reflects on the new Global Goals and climate change. Senior sanitation specialist…

South Africa: who is putting public school teaching jobs up for sale?

Once again time there are rumours that suggest certain teachers belonging to a particular union are selling teaching posts in public schools. Earlier when such rumours were spread the South African Democratic Teachers Union was the first to deny the allegations,  stating…

South Africa’s three (3) Finance Ministers in one week

It was a political drama in South Africa last week when President Jacob Zuma announced out of the blue that Mr. David Van Rooyen is the new Minister of Finance, taking over from Minister Nhlanhla Nene. Such an shock and untimely…

South Africa: minimum wage is needed

South Africa- The struggle for a minimum wage in South Africa is not a new thing, it has been going on for sometime and still it comes out now and then, where workers fight against  slavery wages and want decent…

South Africa and Aids-HIV: public health sector rolling out free ARVS

South Africa- 1 December is World Aids day. As a result of such days emphasising the problem and the ensuing campaigns that are related to the issue South Africa has come a long way regarding this struggle and the fight against…

South Africa: 16 Days of Activism – NO to women or child abuse

  Pretoria- It is that time of the year again for 16 Days of Activism in South Africa, where Non Government Organisations (NGOs) are saying NO to women and child abuse for these 16 days from 25 November to 10…

It’s not ‘glitter for all’ in the diamonds industry

Mention of the word diamond elicits images of wealth, an excess of it, besides the obvious beauty of the item itself thus the diamond trade could be dismissed as out of the normal reach of human rights activists in our…

Burundi’s crisis and the world’s inability to prevent violence

The big – not great – powers of the world have embassies everywhere, plenty of intelligence services, special forces on the ground and satellites in space. They can even hit and kill individuals they don’t like. They can intervene here and…

Miracles to order in South Africa churches

Johannesburg – The ‘business of God’ is not operating properly in South Africa these days, particularly on the side of the so called ”charismatic churches”, though the other religions are also on line for investigation by the Commission For Rights of…

Coalition to boycott 2016 Kimberley Process over UAE’s chairmanship

Civil Society Coalition to Boycott 2016 Kimberley Process over UAE’s Chairmanship Nov 18, 2015 By Rapaport News RAPAPORT… The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (CSC) will boycott next year’s Kimberley Process (KP) in response to the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE)…

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