

Clean water, a pipedream for rural communities in Namibia. Is relief on the way?

The adage “water is life” is a distant aspiration for many rural communities in Namibia who are still drinking water not fit for human consumption.  The sources are mostly hand-dug wells, earth dams, rivers and swamps. Twenty five year old…

Namibia’s contaminated water crisis

Access to quality water is crucial for both human health and economic welfare. However, many towns in Namibia are facing a water crisis and struggling to provide clean and safe drinking water to their residents due to contamination in some…

The Bardo National Museum is Reopening at Last

Following the resumption of Tunisian parliamentary activities on March 13th, 2023, Tunisia’s National Museum is finally about to reopen after calls from campaigners have grown more persistent. The Bardo National Museum, a fulcrum of Tunisian heritage and cultural tourism, has…

Humanity and Hope: Desmond Tutu

Following interviews with Noam Chomsky and Vandana Shiva and Silo‘s speech in Punta de Vacas on May 4, 2004, we continue our series of short inspirational videos with the “message of hope for activists” launched by Desmond Tutu in Cape…

DRC, MSF: “Humanitarian catastrophe in North Kivu, urgent response needed”

A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in North Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where an estimated 1 million people have been forced to flee their homes in the past 12 months to escape fighting related…

After 15 years in prison, Saharawi fighter regains his freedom

The fighter for self-determination Yahya Mohamed El Hafed Iaaza was arrested and unjustly sentenced to 15 years in prison by Morocco. He was released from prison on 1 March 2023 after serving his full sentence. The Saharawi community gave him…

Russia writes off more than $20 billion in African debt

Moscow has written off more than $20 billion in debt accumulated by African countries during the Soviet era, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday. “It was not only an act of generosity but also a manifestation of pragmatism because…

The Long Arm of Washington Extends Into Africa’s Sahel

On March 16, 2023, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced—during his visit to Niger—that the United States government will provide $150 million in aid to the Sahel region of Africa. This money, Blinken said, “will help provide life-saving support to…

Anna Polo: “Let’s reflect on disparities to talk about migration in a more humane way.”

From Cutro to Riace, from Mexico to Greece, from makeshift camps to detention centers: the current history of migration is riddled with contradictions, inefficiencies and hypocrisy. According to Anna Polo, activist and journalist, the first step is to recover a…

The State of Democracy in Tunisia: Populism with an Estranged Population

Hope, excitement and optimism are just a few of the terms that have animated the political discourse in Tunisia after the 2011 revolution. However, with a perpetual economic degradation that was amplified by the pandemic, the legitimate strife for “job,…

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