
Press Releases

PPFA demands probe over encroachers in Assam-Mizoram border

Guwahati: Expressing utter dismay over the Assam-Mizoram border conflicts where six Assam police personnel had to sacrifice their lives on 26 July 2021 evening, a northeast India based nationalist citizen’s forum urges the Union government in New Delhi to amicably settle the border…

Letter from the Consul of Western Armenia in Argentina: “Model of religious freedom and coexistence?”

I do not know the Secretary of Culture of the Islamic Centre of the Argentinean Republic (ICRA), neither I have the pleasure to get to know someone who shapes circumstances with malicious intent when writing, distorting true historical facts, introducing…

Fort Bliss and Biden Administration on the Wrong Side of History

Over 100 people attend rally at Fort Bliss to demand child detention ends now Immigrant rights advocates in Texas are demanding the Biden-Harris Administration immediately stop detaining immigrant children at the Ft. Bliss “emergency intake site” as well as the…

Palestine: Academics, artists and intellectuals denounce apartheid

The Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine has been endorsed by over 900 scholars, artists and intellectuals from more than 45 countries. The signatories include many distinguished figures, including the Nobel Peace Prize laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead…

76 years ago the U.S. detonated the world’s first nuclear device in the Trinity nuclear test

On this day, seventy six years ago, the world was forever changed when the U.S. detonated the world’s first nuclear device in the Trinity nuclear test. Conducted in the desert of southern New Mexico, it began the morally corrupt, racist,…

No Bliss in Child Detention: End All Detention Now!

More than a dozen immigrant rights organizations in Texas will hold a rally to end all child detention at Fort Bliss where 2,500 children are being held in inhumane conditions and without adequate supervision, services, and medical care. Rally: 9 a.m.…

Voices at the Border

Samos has, for many years, been viewed as an ‘emergency’ situation. As the number of people ‘housed’ in the Reception and Identification Centre (RIC) on the island, built to shelter 648 residents, rose dramatically in 2019 and 2020 the conditions…

North-west Syria: humanitarian catastrophe without the renewal of UN resolution

The UN resolution for humanitarian aid through the Bab Al-Hawa crossing expires on 10 July 2021: if it is not renewed, the lives of 3.4 million people will be in thrall to Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. The appeal of Still I…

Open letter from ΜέΡΑ25 and SYRIZA to Biden on Assange

(Similar letters to the US President have been sent by members of the British and Australian Parliaments (including members of the conservative governing parties).) In this context, ΜέΡΑ25 formally addressed the Parliamentary Groups of the New Democracy, SYRIZA, Kinal and…

Barcelona will host the Second International Peace Congress from October 15-17, 2021

Under the title “(Re)imagine our world: Action for Peace and Justice”, participants from around 70 countries will attend the meeting of the international peace movement and other social movements, with renowned activists and experts. The congress will have a hybrid…

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