
Press Releases

There is still a future!

The International Network of Humanist Educators presented the book “Hay Futuro todavía. Experiences in the construction of a nonviolent humanising education in times of crisis”, a collective work that brings together twenty-eight stories with multiple voices from more than ten…

Self-knowledge as an indispensable tool for human development

Workshop: Configuration of the Inner Centre More than five decades ago, very close to the highest mountain in the West, at the foot of Aconcagua, there in Punta de Vacas, a wise man, a teacher, a friend sent a message…

Still I Rise and Médecins sans Frontières hold a partnership to improve their offer to vulnerable and refugee children in Kenya

Still I Rise Kenya and Médecins Sans Frontières have entered into a collaboration that will allow both organisations to improve and expand their own services. The collaboration includes an exchange program, which will be fully activated during the month of…

No recess for reconciliation: Poor People’s Campaign joint actions at senators’ offices across the country

The New York State Poor People’s Campaign holds Moral Witness Wednesday: Economic Investment for the People with a news conference and rally at the Long Island office of Senator Schumer to demand that he embrace the Build Back Better plan…

The Museum of Memory and Human Rights presents the book “Muros que hablan” (“Walls that Speak”)

Pressenza’s production was donated to the Museum of Memory and Human Rights “as a way of leaving historical evidence that this social awakening did indeed take place and was not just a fleeting dream, a passing inspiration, an artistic outburst…

On the sidelines of COP-26, People’s Summit for Climate Justice takes place in Glasgow

From 7-10 November 2021, as world leaders gather to debate our future, the COP26 Coalition will host the People’s Summit for Climate Justice. Decisions made at COP26 will determine how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. But justice…

Philippine Government Tightens Regulations on Highly Toxic Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium

7 November 2021, Quezon City.   The Government of the Philippines has imposed new policies tightening regulations on the industrial uses of cancer-causing cadmium and hexavalent chromium to protect human health and the environment. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition, which…

Youth Mural Art Project to Visualize People’s Agenda and Good Governance

VISUAL ART Bikol Youth Groups and a broad alliance of artists and cultural workers to launch a mural project visualizing people’s agenda and good governance; calls on Sorsoganon youth to discern the signs of times The 1Sambayan-Sorsogon Youth, in partnership…

Press conference: global wave of actions to end to fossil fuel finance

Global — On October 29th, just two days before the start of the UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, groups in every region of the globe will start a wave of mobilizations that will last until November 6th. Over 50 coordinated…

Webinar: Regeneration for Climate Resilience. Will the COP26 Still Rely on False Solutions?

Friday 29 October – 9am EDT, 3pm CEST, 6.30pm IST, 11pm AEST Register on Zoom Hosted by Navdanya International, “Regeneration for Climate Resilience”, brings together Dr Vandana Shiva – Founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (India)…

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