
Press Releases

#8M: Mothers demanding justice in Iran

Women’s Day in Iran is a strange day. On the one hand, it is a country traditionally shrouded in patriarchy and, on the other, its people have to deal with the laws of Islam in the smallest detail of their…

On war, Russia, Ukraine and the conflict with NATO

On October 29, 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silo*(1), gave a conference on The Theme of God*(2), where he mentioned some futures: one of them is that we are in conditions for the emergence of a new civilisation, the first…

Demonstration in repudiation of the conflict in Ukraine

In front of the former National Congress in Santiago, where the Constitutional Convention is currently in session, a demonstration took place yesterday, called by the humanist organisation “World without Wars and without Violence”, in which participated -among others- the recently…

For an effective recognition of the specific grounds for asylum for women, girls and LGBTIQA+ people

On the occasion of 8 March 2022, International Day of Struggle for Women’s Rights, more than 100 personalities from the political, associative, artistic and sports worlds – including Silvia Federici (Italy), Sofia Bekatorou, double Olympic medallist (gold and bronze) and…

The Community denounces Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and NATO’s military expansion

Faced with the invasion of the Russian army in Ukraine, we make public: A call, to the union of all humanists of the world to condemn and denounce this invasion. We demand an immediate ceasefire from all parties to the…

GCAP: we call on Russia, Ukraine, NATO, United States, European Union to seek a long-term, sustainable political solution for all parties

We are shocked by Russian President’s decision to invade Ukraine. We condemn this war      with wide-ranging civilian casualties and demand an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops.   We stand with Ukraine. We express our solidarity with…

Open letter from civil society organizations regarding the situation in Ukraine

Dear International Atomic Energy Agency, We, the undersigned, represent civil society organizations across the world. We are deeply concerned about the safety of the people of Ukraine under the current military aggression, which has put the lives of civilians at…

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: An Illegal War of Aggression

Statement by Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, UN Office of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms The Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy strongly condemns Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The Russian invasion is in clear violation of international law,…

EcoWaste Coalition Joins Clamor for a Strong Plastics Treaty

On the eve of a historic United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), the EcoWaste Coalition reiterated its unity with the global plea urging delegates to agree to negotiate for a strong treaty with binding controls and targets that will end the…

Stand with the Ukraine

The alliance Stand with Ukraine calls for worldwide demonstrations for Peace in Ukraine and Europe. „We are uniting against Putin’s invasion and violence, in support of the people in Ukraine. We are coming from all places and all backgrounds in…

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