
Press Releases

Asian NGOs Call on Governments to Regulate Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Products

6 April 2022, Davao City/Quezon City.  Non-government organizations (NGOs) from South, Southeast and East Asia, including the Philippines, have called on national governments to adopt and strictly implement regulations to address endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in products. The NGOs are participating…

Greece Using Other Migrants to Expel Asylum Seekers

 Greek security forces are employing third country nationals, men who appear to be of Middle Eastern or South Asian origin, to push asylum seekers back at the Greece-Turkey land border, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The…

OAS: “Yes, there were human rights violations in Bolivia during 2019”.

The Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS) received on 02 March the Final Report of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI-Bolivia) on the massacres, extra-summary executions and other human rights violations that occurred in Bolivia during…

Migrants, Asylum Seekers Locked Up in Ukraine

Scores of migrants who had been arbitrarily detained in Ukraine remain locked up there and are at heightened risk amid the hostilities, including military activity in the vicinity, Human Rights Watch said today. Ukrainian authorities should immediately release migrants and asylum seekers…

Man Imprisoned at Guantánamo Since 2002 Sent Home

Sufyian Barhoumi Finally Returned to Algeria After Being Cleared for Transfer in 2016 The U.S. government made public today that Sufyian Barhoumi was sent home to Algeria, nearly twenty years after arriving at Guantánamo and six years after being cleared…

Important Mapuche meeting on health and medicine based on ancestral knowledge

Wvnen Xawvn, tayiñ Bawehtuwvn”, “Wvnen Xawvn, tayiñ Bawehtuwvn”. At a crucial moment for the health of humanity where the response of the pharmaceutical market was to place life and health as a commodity in the hands of multinationals, the Mapuche…

April 4 NYC: Walk with KBP7 for Peace and Nuclear Abolition

To mark the fourth anniversary of their action the Kings Bay Plowshares Seven and supporters are planning a Walk for Peace and Nuclear Abolition beginning at Riverside Church in NYC and ending at the Isaiah Wall at the United Nations.…

Working Class of India Gives Widespread Challenge to Anti-Worker Policies of Central Govt

IFTU NC Statement 28th of March: Day 1 of the 2-day All India Strike   Countrywide on March 28, workers of various sectors and in various industries came forward to hold a strike from work in response to the 2-day…

Sorsoganon Filmmaker wins Best Short Film in the Empowered Bicolana Filmmaking Contest

FILM A filmmaker and visual artist from Sorsogon province, Philippines bagged First Place in a film competition organized by Philippine Information Agency Region 5. Robert Marticio, who is a member of the Kurit-Lagting Art Collective and the Concerned Artists of…

Philippine CSOs commend the local development council’s endorsement to uphold the ban on open-pit mining in South Cotabato

The Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc. (PMPI), a network of 236 Civil Society Organizations across the Philippines, hails the Provincial Development Council (PDC) of South Cotabato for issuing a resolution upholding the South Cotabatowide ban on open-pit mining. The resolution, signed…

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