
Press Releases

Statement of The Ukrainian Pacifist Movement Against Perpetuation of War

Ukrainian Pacifist Movement is gravely concerned about the active burning of bridges for a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on both sides and signals of intentions to continue the bloodshed indefinitely to achieve some sovereign ambitions. We…

NYC: No War No Warming Monday April 18 Tax Day Protest at 12 Noon

NO War NO Warming Monday, April 18 at 12:00 PM Noon Location: Manhattan, NYC IRS office at 290 Broadway Between Reade and Duane Street (#6 Train to Brooklyn Bridge, walk one block west on Duane Street) The climate and peace…

BKU (Ekta-Ugrahan) protests at 6 places in 4 more districts during MSP Guarantee Week*

Chandigarh, April 15. BKU (Ekta-Ugrahan) staged protests at 6 places in 4 more districts during MSP Guarantee Week, and demanded a bonus of Rs 300 per quintal to compensate for the reduced wheat yield. The Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ekta-Ugrahan) protests…

Filipinos in Canada launch Koalisyon Kontra Daya* to safeguard the 2022 Philippine Election

The Coalition is gathering reports of election fraud, irregularities, delays, and other concerns.  CANADA. April 9, 2022 — Filipino leaders and representatives from people’s organizations, youth and migrant groups,  “kakampink” coalitions like the Kabayan 4 Leni -Kiko and Tropang Canada…

“The State cannot continue to treat its universities as if they did not belong to the State”, President Boric

In his first official appearance as Patron of the campus, the president also announced that the government is working to incorporate the U. de Chile Clinical Hospital into the public health network. “The first meeting of the commission to address…

Greece, Municipality of Gavdos supports TIAN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Gavdos, the southernmost municipality in Europe, responds to the Greek government’s call to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons TIAN. By Decision 21/2022, the City Council of the Municipality of Gavdos unanimously decided to: To…

Chile: Women workers create Feminist Trade Union Platform: Women in struggle take up their labour rights

According to the platform #SindicalismoConNosotras, more than 150 women gathered on April 1st at the launch of the self-convened feminist portal that seeks to revitalize the way of doing trade unionism and be a tool of defense for workers, especially…

Assange’s case erupts at the Perugia Journalism Festival

From the stage Stella Morris, Julian Assange’s wife, and the investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi will urge the journalists present to defend the founder of Wikileaks. While outside the hall, a group of FREE ASSANGE Italia activists will tell journalists that…

More than 300 organisations deliver a manifesto against the health exclusion of thousands of people to the Health Ministry

On World Health Day, more than 300 organisations and groups have called on the Government, through a manifesto, to put a definitive end to the exclusion experienced by thousands of people in Spain, which began just 10 years ago with…

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

WHY DO WE MARCH? We Assemble and March on June 18, 2022 because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis. There were 140 million people who were poor or one…

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