
Press Releases

Chile: Democracy at risk

Paid Social Networks, at the service of the elites and their Fake News model Public opinion in Chile is managed by those who can finance the publishers, the lack of regulation and timely monitoring of campaign funding, coupled with a…

Eleven Arrestees Go To Court After Protesting Nuclear Weapons

Eleven (11) individuals who were arrested on August 2nd in front of the U.S. Mission calling for nuclear disarmament will appear in NYC Municipal Count on Monday, August 22, 2022. At the press conference the eleven will explain their reasons…

Support for Angolan presidential candidate

In view of the upcoming presidential election to be held in Angola on the 24th of August, the International Federation of Humanist Parties (IHP), gives its full support to the candidacy of Dr. Florbela Malaquias of the Humanist Party of…

Deputy Hirsch introduces bill for a Memorial in memory of victims of the Caravan of Death

Today a bill entered the National Congress to be processed, which authorises the erection of a Memorial and Memory Circuit in the Commune of La Reina, in memory of the victims thrown into the sea by the Chilean Army during…

Groups Welcome Company’s Decision to Stop Selling Talc-Based Baby Powder Worldwide

19 August 2022, Quezon City.  Non-government organizations welcomed the decision of a US transnational corporation to phase out by 2023 its talc-based baby powder from the global market, including the Philippines. As it announced last August 11, Johnson & Johnson…

A gift to humanity from Rapa Nui, UMANGA

The responses of the past open solutions to the present and the future; Tapu and Umanga: Tapu is an absolute obedience to the laws and rules, to live together in self-care. Umanga: I help you, you help me, and between…

Physicians call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is urging governments attending the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York to call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations. Obstacles to access for the International…

Masterclass with Latin America’s leading jurist in defence of the human rights of girls and women

The Costa Rican Alda Facio spoke on “Women’s Human Rights in international protection systems” to around 80 participants via videoconference. Organised by the Escuela La Tribu, a master class was held on Saturday 6 August, led by the feminist lawyer…

For a World Pact, Now! for a Common and Universal Future of Justice and Peace!

On the global war that is now exploding in Ukraine. A vision of the South and of people who are victims of colonial wars We, united as inhabitants and citizens of the Earth, work for the peaceful and brotherly collaboration…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 77 years of threat to life

Last Saturday 6th and today, Tuesday 9th August 2022, marks the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Humanists around the world commemorate this sad and shameful page in the history of humanity,…

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