
Press Releases

CODEPINK Joins National Call-In Days to Remove Cuba from State Sponsors of Terrorism List

CODEPINK along with Massachusetts Peace Action, Democratic Socialists of America, the Latin America Working Group, the Chicago Religious Leadership Network, and others calls for a National Call-In to the White House to Remove Cuba from the List of State Sponsors…

The 67th UN Commission on the Status of Women

The sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is currently underway at the United Nations in NYC. Since its first meeting in 1947, this important conference provides a forum to assess the progress of international efforts to…

Sat. March 18 — National March on Washington: Fund People’s Needs, Not the War Machine!

Peace in Ukraine – Say NO to Endless U.S. Wars! Saturday, March 18 at 1:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. The White House Call from the Answer Coalition Coinciding with the 20th anniversary weekend of the criminal U.S.-invasion of Iraq a major…

Mapuche communities in permanent assembly

Since 1994, the Argentinean Constitution recognizes that the indigenous peoples that inhabit the country pre-exist the National State and therefore have the right to the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy. After almost 30 years, this right…

Life Support rescues 105 people. Safe harbor assigned Brindisi

Late yesterday [March 6, 2023] evening, EMERGENCY’s Life Support ship received a report of a boat in distress in international waters off Libya. The ship’s captain immediately informed all relevant authorities and activated the rescue team. “We received a report…

8M “The revolution will be feminist or it won’t be”.

“But the system is a man’s world where women have not been able to have access ……” Silo The relentless struggle of women and the spread of feminism in the world has been thanks to countless courageous women who have…

8 March: Freedom for the Mapuche women prisoners

There are many demands with which we come to this 8M. In this letter, we are writing to all the compañeras and compañeres who are organising actions in different territories of Abya Yala, to propose that the demand to the…

Open Letter from Diverse Women for Diversity to world leaders

We, the women of the world, meeting together in Dehradun, India as the ¨Diverse of Women for Diversity¨, and representing 17 nationalities and multiple cultures, welcome and support the decision of the Mexican government through the presidential decree to phase out…

Experts plea with Australian Prime Minister to save Assange – Belmarsh Tribunal Sydney

Politicians, lawyers, journalists, whistle blowers and human rights defenders have pleaded with Prime Minister Albanese to step up his efforts to free imprisoned Australian publisher and WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange. Experts testified at the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on 4 March,…

Already 40,000 people on the streets with “Europe For Peace” to call for ceasefire and Peace negotiations

Colorful banners, moments of silence, torchlight processions, Peace marches, speeches by representatives of civil society organizations, chants, sit-ins and flash-mobs. These are the initiatives that enlivened the squares of the 75 Italian cities that took action for Peace in the…

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