
Press Releases

Enforce the Phase-out Deadline on Mercury-containing Dental Amalgam in the Philippines

Environmental watchdog group BAN Toxics calls the attention of the regulators to enforce the phase-out deadline on the use of mercury in dental restorative procedures with the 3-year transitory period (ending in May 2023) in the country. This effectively bans…

Judge Rules in Favor of Juliana v. United States Youth Plaintiffs; Children’s Constitutional Climate Case Can Proceed to Trial

June 1, 2023 – Less than two weeks before the first-ever constitutional climate trial in U.S. history is slated to begin in Montana, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the youth plaintiffs in the landmark children’s climate case…

Pope Francis in RAI TV Studios, Nicolò Govoni: “Talking About Education With Him Has Always Been My Dream”

The founder of Still I Rise met the Pontiff in the studios of “A Sua immagine” (In His image), during the recording of the episode La Forza della Vita, aired on the Italian TV channel Raiuno on Sunday, June 4.…

Online Trade of Cosmetics with Mercury Poisons Health and the Environment

4 June 2023, Quezon City.  In time for World Environment Day on June 5 and the mid-year online sales on June 6, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition urged online shopping leaders and dealers to protect human health and the…

Another Naples Institute on educational visit to NATO Command.

As reported in a report by Diana Sodano on the JFC Naples Command website, on May 26, another group of schoolchildren from the Neapolitan area, accompanied by their teachers, visited NATO’s strategic facility for Southern and Eastern Europe and Africa…

June 2: Nonviolent ecumenical movements call for ratification of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty

Letters held by the activists, TPNW, are for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons On the pancarts: Nuclear weapons, Resolution for global disarmament passes in the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House Senzatomica and Rete Pace Disarmo (Network…

Launch of “Making Peace with the Earth: An Ecofeminist Manifesto” – June 5th in Rome

Monday, June 5th, 2023, from 11 am Associazione della Stampa Estera in Italia (Via dell’Umiltà, 83, Rome, Italy)  “Making Peace with the Earth  Through Diversity, Mutuality, Non-Violence & Care” An Ecofeminist Manifesto Press Conference with Dr Vandana Shiva in Rome…

Toxics Watchdog Group Urges Government to Test and Regulate Colored Smokes

3 June 2023, Quezon City.  The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has proposed that smoke-producing devices, also called colored smokes or smoke bombs, should be tested and regulated to ensure public health and safety following an incident in Bacolod City.…

International Summit for Peace in Ukraine

The aim of the International Peace Summit is to publish an urgent global appeal, the Vienna Declaration for Peace, calling on political actors to work for a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine. Prominent international speakers will point to the danger…

International Solidarity with the Zapatista Community Moisés Gandhi

National and international statement in response to the aggression against the community of Moses Gandhi To the peoples of Mexico and the world  To the individuals, collectivities and peoples who defend Life  To those who feel the urgency to act…

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