
Press Releases

The Appeal of the XXII Ecumenical Day of Christian-Islamic Dialogue on October 27, 2023 is out

The Appeal for the XXII Ecumenical Day of Christian-Islamic Dialogue on Oct. 27, 2023 entitled “Guarding Creation by Building Peace” has been released. The Day, which is also being celebrated this year in memory of Giovanni Sarubbi, one of the…

Urgent international support! Conscientious objection also in Belarus

After Ukraine and Russia, Belarus is also recording the first cases of political conscientious objectors refusing to participate in military mobilization for the ongoing war. Dvarashyn Vitali is an objector supported by nonviolent movements and he is facing the prospect…

Protests around the world demand amnesty for the first scientist imprisoned in the UK

Scientist Rebellion and other climate and human rights groups have protested in eight countries during the weekend. Protesters are demanding amnesty for Scientist Rebellion co-founder, Mike Lynch-White, sentenced to 23 months in prison for a peaceful action, and for others…

Shipwreck in Pylos. Open letter by over 180 human rights organizations

Today on World Refugee Day, we jointly demand full and independent investigations into the events, clear consequences for those responsible, an end to the systematic pushback practices at the European borders, and justice for the victims. 10 years after the…

What health model should we evolve towards in Chile?

Experts from the faculties of Medicine, Law and Economics at the University of Chile agree that the country should move towards a different health care system, with a single insurer at the centre, a large Fonasa (National Health Fund). The…

The crime of fighting for decent housing in Chile

Faced with the existing human housing crisis in the country, which causes a level of indignity and daily pain in millions of people, the failed state, in the hands of the political elite, takes a line that coincides with its…

Universal mourning, sea rescue NGO initiative after Pylos shipwreck

Sea rescue NGOs list their social profiles in mourning to remember the victims of the shipwreck a few days ago a few miles off Greece and declare universal mourning. Sea-Watch, Open Arms, Doctors Without Borders, Emergency, Mediterranea Saving Humans, ResQ,…

Sudan: risk of ethnic cleansing in West Darfur

Three months after fighting broke out between the regular Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum, the Association for Threatened Peoples (APM, Associazione per i popoli minacciati) warns of the potential conflagration. Fighting has now spread to…

Statement of the CPM against the criminalisation of the protest

Forty years after the end of the last civil-military dictatorship, and in the context of the reflections that we as Argentine society must make around this anniversary, we would like to point out our preoccupation and rejection of various initiatives…

BAN Toxics Lauds FDA for Issuing Public Health Warning against Unauthorized Lato-Lato Toys

Toxic watchdog group BAN Toxics lauds the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines for issuing the FDA Advisories Nos. 2023-1299, 2023-1300, and 2023-1301 – a Public Health Warning against the purchase and use of unauthorized Toy and Childcare Article (TCCA)…

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