
Press Releases

Third West African Humanist Forum: 20th to 22nd December

Between the 20th and 22nd of December 2012 the Third Humanist Forum of West Africa is taking place in Lomé, Togo. This forum has the aim to contribute to the creation of a new generation of Africans with solidarity who…

A Salute to Colonel Valery Yarynich

Anti-nuclear campaigner, Colonel Valery Yarynich, formerly of the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, has died on the 13th of December in a hospital in Moscow.  John Hallam of the Australian campaigning group, People For Nuclear Disarmament, has written this obituary recalling…

Ukraine: Investigate Attacks on Peaceful Protest

The Ukrainian government should condemn homophobic speech and attacks on a peaceful protest in Kiev on December 8, 2012, Human Rights Watch said today. The rally by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and human rights groups commemorated Human Rights…

Russia/EU: Moment of Truth Over Human Rights

The European Union should urge President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming EU-Russia summit meeting to end the crackdown on Russia’s civil society, Human Rights Watch said today. The 30th summit meeting since two sides started meeting regularly will be on…

The Middle East without Weapons of Mass Destruction, Civil Society Input

In the NPT 2010 conference resolutions was a call for a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Conference in 2012.  The government of Finland volunteered to host it but sadly it never took place.  Before it was cancelled though civil…

India – Let’s Have a National Debate on the Ambitious Nuclear Program

  People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE)                    December 12, 2012 Idinthakarai & P. O. 627 104 Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu Phone: 98656 83735; 98421 54073 Let’s Have a National Debate on the Ambitious Nuclear Program   The People’s…

Kazakhstan: Growing Crackdown on Free Speech

The Kazakh government should end its crackdown on independent media outlets and opposition groups, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities appear to be targeting media and opposition groups that most extensively covered violence a year ago in Zhanaozen, in…

Newly adopted law discriminates against indigenous community media

Reporters Without Borders reiterates its condemnation of the newly-adopted General Telecommunications Law (LGT), which will penalize small radio stations, especially indigenous community radio stations, that are waiting to be officially assigned broadcast frequencies.   Approved on third reading by the…

Human Rights Watch: Reject Homophobic Bill in Russia

Russia’s parliament should reject a proposed bill that would violate Russians’ freedom of expression and discriminate against and stigmatize Russia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. On December 19, 2012, the Duma, the lower chamber of parliament, is scheduled…

Over 40 UK Uncut actions across UK successfully target Starbucks over tax avoidance and impact of government cuts on women

– UK Uncut successfully targets Starbucks over tax avoidance and impact of government cuts on women – Over 40 protests across the UK take place at Starbucks shops today, in UK Uncut’s biggest day of action – Protesters stage sit-ins…

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