
Press Releases

Stuntman & family man goes for Guinness (record)

“Once I’m on fire, I will get pulled by a horse over a distance of 500m, then I will switch to a quad, which pulls me over a distance of 670m. All in all, that’s 1,170m,” Stuntman Joe Toedtling. All very…

Support needed for a strong Anti-racism Intergroup in the European Parliament

As a transnational organisation part of a wider coalition supporting the re-establishment of a strong Intergroup on Anti-racism and Diversity (ARDI) for the 8th European Parliament legislature, we attach great importance to main-streaming racial equality in the policy and legislative…

Campaign Kit on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

IPPNW has produced a new Campaign Kit on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, presenting the essential facts about their medical, environmental, and humanitarian effects in clear, simple, and accurate language.  “This important new tool will help ICAN campaigners and other abolition activists make a…

Right Livelihood Award 2014, Ceremony and programme

At the end of next week, the Recipients of the 2014 Right Livelihood Award will come to Stockholm for the award programme and to accept their awards in the Swedish Parliament on December 1st. The 2014 Laureates coming to Stockholm are: Alan Rusbridger,…

Financial sector invests over 402 billion US dollars in nuclear weapons producers

Global financial institutions made an estimated 402 billion US dollars available to nuclear weapons producers. The report Don’t Bank on the Bomb, published on the 7th of November by Dutch peace organization PAX, identifies 411 banks, insurance companies and pension…

End the killing of students now: peace, justice and democracy for Mexico

Please Forward, Post and Share on Websites, Blogs, Networking Sites, etc. Dear Friend of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy,           We are writing at this critical moment to invite you to sign the CPD statement “End the Killing of…

Religious leaders call for a ban on killer robots

Press release Geneva, Switzerland, 12 November  Religious leaders call for a ban on killer robots Archbishop Desmond Tutu is among more than 70 religious leaders, representatives and faith based organisations that have signed the interreligious declaration calling on states to…

Finding a way through labour unrest in China

The number of strikes and worker protests recorded on China Labour Bulletin’s strike map has more than doubled over the last year. Strikes have occurred in manufacturing, transport, retail, public services and the mining industry but perhaps the most notable…

Colonial era reparations discussed at the United Nations

Reparations discussed at the United Nations Colonialism Reparation supports the request for reparations for the genocide of the native people and slavery submitted to the United Nations general Assembly by the member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and calls…

No to Natural Fruit on Andy’s birthday

Hi Pressenza,   I’m following up on the urgent action we sent you a couple months ago for labor rights activist Andy Hall (below). I’m glad to be able to share an initial victory in this case: Today one of…

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