
Press Releases

Indonesia stripping Papua rain forest

Dear friends of the rainforests, Time is running out for Papua’s nature. Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo intends to sacrifice 1.2 million hectares of forest and smallholder land in Papua for industrial rice plantations. This would spell the end for a…

Brazil OKs Belo Monte Dam against rights of communities

The environmental authority granted the project’s operating license, ignoring evidence of noncompliance with conditions necessary to guarantee the life, health and integrity of indigenous and other affected populations. Altamira, Brazil. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)…

Renewables poised to deliver climate solution

IRENA report presents actions to limit global temperature rise to below 2°C by accelerating transition to renewable energy. Emission reductions from renewables, coupled with energy efficiency improvements, must be at the heart of any effort to limit global temperature rise…

Day of protest against British bombing of Syria: Saturday 28 November

Protests will take place around the country against the imminent threat of bombing of Syria by British forces this Saturday. This is in response to the proposed vote in Parliament by David Cameron which is likely to take place within…

UK Government announces increase in nuclear weapon spending

The British government has announced a further hike in the cost of replacing Trident in its Strategic Defence and Security Review published today. The cost of replacing the UK’s Trident nuclear weapons submarines is set to rise to £41 billion…

Coalition to boycott 2016 Kimberley Process over UAE’s chairmanship

Civil Society Coalition to Boycott 2016 Kimberley Process over UAE’s Chairmanship Nov 18, 2015 By Rapaport News RAPAPORT… The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (CSC) will boycott next year’s Kimberley Process (KP) in response to the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE)…

Paris Attacks: Violence is the problem, never the solution

The terrorist attack that took place on November 13th in Paris is another act of violence against civilians, another act of violence against all Humanity. It clearly shows that anyone and in any place in the world can become the…

Urging for the Cessation of War and World Peace

“Let peace first be realized in the Korean Peninsula to protect our children”, Ms. Nam Hee Kim, Chairwoman of the IWPG 1,000 Women Representatives join the Peace Agreement Ceremony Seoul, Republic of Korea. On 5 November 2015, the International Women’s Peace…

Walmart, where’s the money?

URGE WALMART TO PAY UP TO FACTORY FIRE VICTIMS TAKE ACTION ON BLACK FRIDAY Dear friends, The families of the 112 garment workers killed in the horrific Tazreen Fashions factory fire in Bangladesh are still waiting for Walmart to pay…

TPP is more of the same failed approach to trade

Dear Tony,Mohammad Rubel, a 22-year-old Bangladeshi man, was trafficked from his home in Bangladesh to a Malaysian palm oil plantation. He traveled on a dangerous ocean journey during which dozens died, through a trafficking camp in the jungle where traffickers…

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