
Press Releases

UN General Assembly approves historic nukes resolution

The United Nations General Assembly today approved a historic resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. The vote follows a decision on 27 October by the General Assembly’s First Committee – which deals with disarmament and…

France/UK: Lone Children From Calais Left in Limbo

The government of the United Kingdom should make full use of all existing laws and regulations to accept transfers of unaccompanied migrant children currently in France, Human Rights Watch said today. The government of France should ensure that unaccompanied migrant children on French territory have full access…

Trump’s new settlement builder?

Last Friday, President-elect Donald Trump tapped bankruptcy attorney David Friedman to be the next US Ambassador to Israel. Friedman has no diplomatic experience, and his political positions are to the right of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu! Friedman supports illegal settlements, is hostile…

Stop all weapons sale to the Saudi regime!

The Obama administration just blocked a new sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Concerned over the high rate of civilian casualties caused by the Saudi bombings in Yemen, the White House stopped a Raytheon sale of 16,000 guided munition kits valued at $350 million. This…

CODEPINK’s actions? Beautifully predictable

Donald Trump is stocking his cabinet with testosterone-heavy generals, installing the most militarized administration in modern American history. We’ll need a vibrant CODEPINK female-led “Peace Posse” to steer them away from more aggression. If Donald Trump tries to rip up…

What’s Next for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock?

We, the below stated, are a coalition of grassroots groups living and working in the Dakota Access resistance camps along the Cannon Ball River in Oceti Sakowin treaty lands. Honor the Earth Indigenous Environmental Network Sacred Stone Camp International Indigenous…

Japanese American Community Speaks Out Against Muslim Registries

This is a public statement as Japanese Americans, standing up against racism, and standing with and in support of the Muslim community which has been targeted specifically and unjustly in this period, in much the same way that the Japanese…

Global arms industry: USA remains dominant despite decline; sales rise in Western Europe and Russia

Sales of arms and military services by the largest arms-producing and military services companies—the SIPRI Top 100—totalled $370.7 billion in 2015 according to new data on the international arms industry released today by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).…

Save Shabbir and #StopTheDeal between the EU and Turkey

This is more than a man’s story. This is a chance to save a man’s life and end the shameful refugee deal between the EU and Turkey. We need you to make it possible. Shabbir is 40 years old, an…

San Francisco’s Official Response to the Election of Trump

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution, introduced by Board President London Breed, in response to the election of Donald Trump. The resolution reads as follows: WHEREAS, On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to become…

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