
Press Releases

Civil March for Aleppo changes route, passes next through Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Press release 1.3.2017 Civil March for Aleppo On March 4th, the Civil March for Aleppo will cross the border between Slovenia and Croatia. The peace march for Syria has so far traversed more than 1,000 kilometres by foot through different…

March 10th 2017, Native March on Washington DC

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous grassroots leaders call on our allies across the United States and around the world to peacefully March on Washington DC. We ask that you rise in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples across the world…

Action Letter from the Muslim Community Network

I hope this finds you well.  As you may have heard, the last several days have been unbearable for many communities with the ICE Raids and the uncertainty of the Muslim Ban.  As union leaders and activists, we must continue…

Iran on Notice?

On February 15 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Trump in Washington DC. Iran will be among the issues the two will discuss. The Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015, lifted sanctions in exchange for limiting Iran’s…

Nobel Peace Laureates: Time to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons is now!

The following statement from 21 Nobel Peace Laureates was released at the conclusion of the 16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Bogota, Colombia. On March 27, negotiations will commence at the United Nations for a treaty to ban…

It is now two and a half minutes to midnight

By the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. It is now two and a half minutes to midnight.  For the first time in the 70-year history of the Doomsday Clock, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board has moved…

President Obama commutes Chelsea’s sentence!

By the Chelsea Manning Support Network. President Obama has commuted all but four months of the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former US Army Intelligence Analyst serving 35-years for releasing classified information. Chelsea’s attorney Nancy Hollander, who spoke…

January 19-21: Bringing Love & Peace

We were appalled when President-elect Donald Trump nominated Jeff Sessions, a blatant racist, to be our next US Attorney General. Sessions opposes criminal justice reform, supports voter repression, and even voted against the Violence Against Women Act! As his confirmation…

USA, March & Knit for Resistance

This January 21st we will march together with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families and in solidarity with those who were most insulted, marginalized, and threatened during the election cycle –…

Less than three weeks until Trump takes office!

On January 20th, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. CODEPINK will be there to set an example of how we can shine light even as our country enters a time of…

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