
Press Releases

Phosphate fertilizers as a proliferation-relevant source of uranium

By the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. New publication from the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium on the extraction of uranium from phosphate fertilizers and how past events and current international trade practices clearly demonstrate that better-informed export controls and end-user processes…

Open letter by the Water Protectors to President Donald Trump

We are Water Protectors who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We are also engaged in struggles and movements on behalf of First Nations against fossil fuel projects that poison our land, water and damage the climate. We are…

Nuclear ban treaty: Will governments take on the nuclear arms merchants?

An international prohibition on the financing of nuclear weapons could help reverse the nuclear arms race and be a powerful tool in delegitimizing nuclear weapons, according to nuclear disarmament campaigners participating in UN negotiations on a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons.…

UK Conservative government licensed £4.1 billion in arms to Middle East since May 2015

As the UK prepares to go to the polls, it is worth remembering that the current UK government now under Prime Minister Theresa May, proudly sells weapons to some of the most violent abusers of human rights on the planet.…

Marking the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War with a call to end the occupation of Palestine

In this month of the commemoration of 50 years of Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, Pax Christi International in collaboration with its members, urges the international community to call for the immediate end of the 50-year Israeli occupation and…

Radiation and gender: One basis for new nuclear weapons treaty

By the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research This week, an historic nuclear weapons ban proposal was unveiled at the United Nations. The proposed agreement recognizes, for the first time, that nuclear weapons…

Scientists welcome draft UN nuclear ban treaty

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) warmly welcomes the publication yesterday of a draft UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. This draft is the result of negotiations involving 132 nations, which addresses the legal gap which currently exists whereby…

Tour of Standing Rock native defenders in Europe

From May, the 20th to June, the 20th 2017 Several European citizen’s movements and organizations are currently organizing a tour in Europe for Standing Rock native defenders and their allies who oppose the DAPL pipeline and other fossil fuel projects…

Women in Israel: Ready for Peace

On May 22nd President Trump will be travelling to Israel in order to meet with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Earlier this month he received President Mahmoud Abbas in the White House and declared that he wants to help achieving an…

Rome Resists!

Tuesday May 23rd  19:30 Piazza Bologna, Rome #UnitedWeStand At the end of May, Donald Trump, President of the United States, travels to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, and Belgium. These past months Trump has caused outrage all over the world: he is dividing…

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