
Press Releases

Corbyn calls for ‘dialogue and negotiations’ in response to US-North Korea nuclear crisis

For Immediate Release Wednesday, September 27, 2017 – 2:45pm Organization Profile: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Contact: Corbyn Calls For ‘Dialogue and Negotiations’ in Response to US-North Korea Nuclear Crisis WASHINGTON – Kate Hudson, CND general secretary, said: “Jeremy Corbyn…

October 2, 2017: International Day of Nonviolence

“To become aware of, learn and produce concrete actions based on the Methodology of Nonviolence is the only way to banish violence from the World” In 2007, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) established the 2nd of October,…

Nuclear Weapons Ban is Entering into Force!

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons has been signed by 50 nations. 3  nations (Guyana, Holy See, Thailand) have already ratified it. Once 50 nations have ratified or acceded to it, it will enter into force. Here is the list…

Trump’s UN Address a Failure of Nuclear Leadership

Statement from Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball Since 1945, U.S. presidents have sought to rally global support and action toward practical solutions curbing the spread of nuclear weapons and reducing the dangerous likelihood of their use. Sadly, President Donald J. Trump, in…

Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty open for signature by world leaders

Heads of state and Foreign Ministers will sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons tomorrow, 20 September 2017, as the General Assembly of the United Nations opens in New York. With tensions continuing to grow between the US…

Ban treaty is a “significant forward step” toward elimination of nuclear weapons

The following joint statement has been released by International Physicias for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the World Medical Association, the International Council of Nurses, and the World Federation of Public Health Associations. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear…

September 21, Women’s March Global Peace Declaration

There can be no peace without justice, equality and dignity for all. We join together in hope and determination to create a more peaceful future. But we also come together in shared grief for the loss of precious life due…

Basel Declaration on trans-generational crimes of nuclear weapons & nuclear energy

A four-day international conference of doctors, lawyers, scientists and nuclear experts from 27 countries concluded in Basel yesterday with the release of the Basel Declaration on human rights and trans-generational crimes resulting from nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. The declaration…

Open letter to Aung San Suu Kyi

As news reports and information circulates about the desperate plight of the Rohingya population of Myanmar and what, on the surface, looks like ethnic cleansing.  We publish here the open letter from the Gandhi Development Trust in South Africa.  In…

London arms fair guest list confirmed: Includes a roll call of despots, dictatorships and human rights abusers

The UK government has published its official guest list for Defence & Security Equipment International 2017 (DSEI), one of the biggest arms fairs in the world, which is scheduled to take place at the Excel Centre in East London next…

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