
Press Releases

Remembrance Day hypocrisy of British Prime Minister say peace activists

Press release by the UK’s Peace Pledge Union. White poppy wearers have criticised Theresa May for planning to lay a wreath to remember the war dead while pursuing policies that are fuelling war. They pointed out that civilians in Yemen…

Spanish action to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On 7 July 2017, at the initiative of the United Nations, 122 countries concluded negotiations and elaboration of a Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Subsequently, on 20 September 2017, the process of signing the treaty was opened, with…

DiEM25 prepares to compete in elections

The results are in: With 72.98% turnout, members voted an overwhelming ‘YES!’ to whether DiEM25 should be able to compete in elections. This vote is the result of an immense exercise of consensus building after months of passionate internal debate,…

Call for an international ban on the weaponization of artificial intelligence

This week, members of the Artificial Intelligence research community exhorted the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, to join the international call to ban lethal autonomous weapons that remove meaningful human control in the deployment of lethal force. An open…

Global corporations need global taxation

Press release from the UK’s Tax Justice Network. In response to the latest Paradise Papers revelations, which have seen large multinational companies exposed milking profits offshore, the Tax Justice Network is calling on countries around the world to start to…

Tax Justice UK calls for the Prime Minister to clamp down on tax avoidance in the wake of new leaks

PRESS RELEASE | 5 NOVEMBER 2017 Tax Justice UK, the country’s leading campaigning organisation dedicated to fighting for a fairer tax system, has called on the Prime Minister to take the action needed to tackle tax avoidance in the wake…

Congressional Budget Office: US Nuclear Forces To Cost $1.2 Trillion over 30 Years

Modernization bill estimated at $400 billion; operations $800 billion Guesstimated future costs discounted for inflation; current-dollar figure much higher On the 31st of October, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its 73-page of the future costs of maintaining and modernizing…

Parallel to COP23: People’s Climate Summit 2017

COP23 in Bonn – that means 22 previous world climate summits which saw much talking but little action. Also for this year’s summit there is not a lot to be expected from the politicians of the industrialized nations still under…

International Humanist Party calls on all States to sign and ratify the new UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are one of the greatest threats to the future of humanity. The nuclear powers possess the capacity to eliminate all life on Earth, and they continue to spend enormous amounts of money on improving these weapons. For as…

Eurocities Social Affairs Forum: Social Rights for all

The EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum met in Gothenburg on 25-26 October to discuss the role of cities in promoting a more social Europe and in delivering on a European Pillar of Social Rights. Europe’s major cities are ready to work…

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