
Press Releases

A respectable result for the Sovereign Money Initiative (Vollgeld-initiative)

Despite the campaign of confusion and fear run by our opponents and the misinformation provided by the Federal Council and the Swiss National Bank, an estimated 26% voted for the Sovereign Money Initiative. This is a respectable outcome and shows that…

Women’s March Italy statement on the newly formed Italian government

Women’s March Italy will keep a spotlight on the work of the new Italian government. We wish them success in serving ALL members of Italian society. We will not allow steps backward on civil and human rights- especially for women,…

Statement by communication and social movements: Colombia’s entry into NATO threatens peace and integration in Latin America and the Caribbean

In relation to the recent announcement by outgoing President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia’s imminent accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the communication networks and social movements brought together in the Communication Forum for Integration in Our America…

Las políticas de Barcelona inspiran cambios en vivienda y feminismo alrededor del mundo

Ada Colau: “Somos muchas ciudades las que estamos tejiendo redes y alianzas a nivel internacional para defender los bienes comunes, pero necesitamos ser más” El acto Ciudades valientes, Barcelona referente, que se ha celebrado esta tarde en el Casinet de Hostafrancs, la vivienda…

Deutsche Bank wants out of the nuclear weapons business

Deutsche Bank wants to end its trade relations with nuclear weapons manufacturers. With a “directive on controversial weapons” published today[1], it responds to criticism from the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which received the Nobel Peace…

FICNOVA in the European Humanist Forum 2018

The Active Nonviolence International Film Festival (FICNOVA, Spanish Acronym) participated in the 5th European Humanist Forum held in Madrid from the 11th to the 13th of May, titled “What unites us towards the Universal Human Nation”. Members of the FICNOVA…

New Deutsche Bank policy expands exclusion nuclear weapons producers

We publish here the report from the Don’t Bank on the Bomb campaign on Deutsche Bank’s announcement to tighten up their policy on investments in “controversial weapons”: By Maaike Beenes of Pax. Deutsche Bank announced today it has expanded its…

Interview with Sabine Rubin, France Insoumise

Sabine Rubin is a committed woman, Siloist humanist… She has worked for many years to mobilize people around her so that they express themselves, especially on the political and social level in favour of a more human world. Currently, she…

ICAN seeks parliamentary support in Spain as Trump breaks the Iran nuclear deal

ICAN representatives set to meet members of the Spanish Congress as President Trump pushes the doomsday clock closer to midnight. “Today’s announcement by US President Donald Trump to de-certify the JCPOA (the Iran Deal) raises tensions even higher and threatens…

Protest Against Neglect of Handmade Products

Townhall, Bengaluru 6th May 2018, Sunday 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Gram Seva Sangh supports the struggles for sustenance of hand-making people across India, who constitute a majority of its poor, disadvantaged and marginalized. Over the last year, Gram Seva…

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