
Press Releases

India most dangerous country for women with sexual violence rife

Seven years ago a Thomson Reuters Foundation experts’ survey found the five most dangerous countries for women were seen to be Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, India, and Somalia. This year we set out to see if the situation…

Campaigners slam US-UK-Russian statement ahead of NPT anniversary

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has responded to a statement released by the USA, UK and Russia ahead of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) on Sunday. Kate Hudson, CND general secretary, said:…

The Carnival of Resistance: Trump not welcome in the UK

By Stop Trump In 2017 a coalition of organisations and individuals joined forces to protest against Donald Trump’s planned visit to the UK. Their letter to the Guardian called his presidency dangerous and divisive and committed to organising one of…

End Family Separation. Updated Events

Women’s March Barcelona, Women’s March Milan and Madrid Resistance have united to address the abhorrent human rights violations happening to immigrant children who are being ripped from their parents’ arms in the United States. We have collected resources and actions…

Political figures support Beatrice Fihn of ICAN – Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Dozens of elected officials from various political groups have signed a document in support of ICAN’s campaign to promote the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn,…

Hungarian government marks world refugee day by passing law to jail helpers

We publish here the press release from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, a non-governmental watchdog organisation that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal and public advocacy methods. Budapest, 20 June 2018 — On World Refugee Day the…

Independent unions found new global union federation

By In May 2018 the “International Confederation of Labour” was founded in Italy to unite independent unions and worker organisations across frontiers. We interviewed delegates at the congress to hear about their union activities at home and what they…

ICAN Italy coordination body established

In a meeting held at the International Women’s House, Rome at the invitation of WILPF Italy, the ICAN Italy coordination body was established with the text below. The coordination body has been equipped with an e-mail list and is setting…

ICAN Singapore Summit Response Press Release

As Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump signed an “agreement” in Singapore today, ICAN welcomes the diplomatic efforts but warns that only a process based in international law and existing treaty frameworks will achieve nuclear disarmament and fully denuclearise the Korean…

International mobilization against Trump’s immigration policy

On 26 May, news broke out of the US on the Trump Administration’s unprecedented “zero tolerance” policy, inhumanely detaining and separating immigrant children from their parents at the US border, sparking a wave of protests in at least 30 cities…

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