
Press Releases

Hungarian Helsinki Committee takes legal action to challenge the anti-NGO laws

The Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) filed a complaint with the Hungarian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) against the new criminal provision threatening with imprisonment those assisting asylum seekers. As for the so-called ‘special tax on…

2018 Right Livelihood Award Laureates Announced

The Laureates of this year’s Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, have been announced today in Stockholm, Sweden. The 2018 Honorary Award goes to anti-corruption champions Thelma Aldana (Guatemala) & Iván Velásquez (Colombia) “for their innovative work in exposing abuse of…

The oppression of Baha’is by the Houthis reaches unprecedented levels in Sana’a, Yemen

On 15 September, more than 20 members of the Bahá’í community in Yemen, including all their national leaders and minors, were falsely accused of espionage and apostasy at a Houthis-controlled Sana’a court hearing. The accusations, inspired by religious motives, made…

On International Day of Democracy, International Leaders Call for More Open Public Institutions

Published on and provided by NYU Tandon School of Engineering and The Governance Lab. Sept. 13, 2018  — As the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Democracy on September 15 with its theme of “Democracy Under Strain,” The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at the…

Hungary: Illiberal Democracy fails in the European Parliament

By triggering the Article 7 procedure, the European Parliament has made it clear that illiberal democracy is against the core values of the European Union. The Hungarian Helsinki Committee welcomes that the EP has validated, with a two-third majority, the…

Chile: Public Declaration over resolution Ethical Commission of the Chamber of Deputies

Faced with the unusual sanction of Humanist deputy Pamela Jiles by the Ethics Commission of the Chamber of Deputies for having questioned UDI deputy Ignacio Urrutia, the organizations and individuals below signatories wish to express our total rejection of this…

Sixth International Meeting on Killer Robots opens at UN Geneva on 27 August

More than 70 countries are expected to participate in a Convention on certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) meeting on lethal autonomous weapons systems at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva on 27-31 August 2018. It will be the sixth time since…

Nuclear weapons are terrifying, but what can I do?

Nuclear weapons are indeed the worst weapon ever created. They are designed to decimate cities. The Red Cross & the UN have said that if they’re used in a populated area, there’s no help coming[1], there’s nothing anyone can do…

Hungary: Asylum-seekers with inadmissible claims are denied food in detention in transit zones

A new ground for inadmissibility, a hybrid of the concepts of safe third country and first country of asylum, has been in effect since 1 July 2018. The new provision stems from amendments to the Asylum Act and the Fundamental…

“Light and time”: a mental journey into the depths of the Cosmos

[This Presentation will also take place on Sep 29/30 week end at Park of Study and Reflection La Belle Idee, near Paris] In Buenos Aires, the presentation of the book “Luz y tiempo. Representaciones del universo, espacio-temporalidad y sustrato de…

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