
Press Releases

Hungarian Government shifts to high gear in the persecution of vulnerable groups

Press release of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee on the persecution of homeless people. The Punitive State: if you can’t solve it, ban it! Whenever there’s public dissent or the government finds no solution to a social problem, governments of the Fidesz…

Fossil Banks, No Thanks! 120 civil society groups call on banks to end fossil fuel finance

A new international campaign calls on large commercial banks to immediately end their support for all new fossil fuel projects, and to publish robust phase-out plans for their existing fossil fuel clients, at the latest before the 25th UN Climate…

Yemen whitewash shows Saudi investigation of Jamal Khashoggi cannot be trusted

Saudi regime has ordered an investigation into disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi Saudi investigations into war crimes in Yemen have been a whitewash. Yemen is on the brink of the world’s worst famine for 100 years. UK has licensed almost £5…

PMPI Statement: Serving the Poor is not Communism

We are not surprised, but very much concerned about the recent lies peddled by a Facebook page tagging Sister Susan Bolanio as among the enemies of the State, associating her with the communists. Time and again, people helping communities…

Europe: Save Mediterranean Rescue Ship

European leaders should act quickly to help the Aquarius, the last nongovernmental search and rescue ship operating in the Mediterranean, register after its flag was withdrawn by Panamanian authorities, five international rights organizations said today in an open letter. The letter was…

Women’s March Global Announces 3rd Annual March on January 19, 2019

Outraged and organised, six million women and allies will once again take the streets of Washington and cities around the world marching for women’s and humans rights In light of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of sexual assault and a…

Rights of Nature Campaign Launch to be held at the Threatened Arroceros Forest Park

The launching of the ‘Rights of Nature (RoN) Campaign’ at Arroceros Forest Park in Manila is made more significant with the plan of the Manila City government to destroy the park and turn it to a commercial space and school…

France: Aid Worker Convicted for Tweet

A humanitarian worker’s defamation conviction on September 25, 2018, for an ironic tweet represents a dangerous escalation in official harassment of groups providing crucial aid to migrants, Human Rights Watch said today. It is the first conviction of its kind…

ICAN activists unroll 20 meter long banner on top of BNP Paribas building in Germany

This morning, in a spectacular action for Nuclear Abolition Day, three German ICAN activists protested against BNP Paribas Bank’s investments in nuclear weapons. They unrolled a 20 meter banner with the slogan “Stop Investing in Nuclear Weapons” on the roof…

Global protests at BNP Paribas offices: End support for nuclear weapons production!

Don’t Bank on the Bomb, a project in conjunction with ICAN, took advantage of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons to urge BNP Paribas to withdraw their $8 billion support for nuclear weapons producing companies. The…

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