
Press Releases

Chile will host international seminar on transformation in the face of climate change

From October 16 to 18, 2019 the Transformation 2019 meeting “Learning from Transformative Action and Thought” will take place, a biannual world meeting whose fourth version will be held for the first time in the southern hemisphere. Chaired by University…

APAPA Joins Leading Chinese Americans to Highlight Concerns Amid Rising U.S. – China Tensions

On October 3, 2019, Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) joined a group of leading policy makers, legal experts, educators, business leaders and scientists in Silicon Valley to tackle the impact of rising U.S. – China tensions on the…

Universal Basic Income is a game changer for writers. Come march with us for it!

For many decades now, the United States has been a very hard and inhospitable place to be a writer—there is virtually no support for our craft, despite the importance of having a populace that knows how to write. Many writers…

2019 Right Livelihood Award Laureates Announced

The Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. The 2019 Award goes to Aminatou Haidar (Western Sahara), Guo Jianmei (China), Greta Thunberg (Sweden) and Davi Kopenawa / Hutukara Yanomami Association (Brazil).…

Hundreds of Thousands of People Strike in U.S. and Over Four Million Strike Globally

“Our world as we know it will no longer exist if we continue down the trajectory that we’re going. Something must be done. Elected officials and world leaders have shown us that they do not yet have the courage to…

Trade and investment treaties aggravate the climate crisis

The Campaign ‘No to trade and investment treaties’, made up of more than 100 organizations and of which Ecologistas en Acción is part, encourages the participation of citizens in the mobilizations of September 27. Trade and investment treaties are incompatible…

42nd SIPPAD General Assembly Supports Rights of Nature

Las Navas, Northern Samar, Philippines – The Samar Island Partnership for Peace and Development (SIPPAD), a partnership composed of different sectors – church, government, academe, civil society organizations, youth and media in the provinces of Northern Samar, Eastern Samar and…

The IPB Seán MacBride Peace Award 2019 goes to Elayne Whyte Gómez and Bruce Kent

Every year the International Peace Bureau (Nobel Peace Laureate 1910) awards a special prize to a person or organisation that has done outstanding work for peace, disarmament and/or human rights. These were the principal concerns of Sean MacBride, the distinguished…

Legal Centre Lesvos denounces the Greek governments proposed changes to the Asylum procedure

On Saturday 31st August, the Spokesperson for the Greek Government Council for Foreign Affairs and Defence announced that a meeting had taken place with the Prime Minister and that seven measures of immediate action would be implemented in order to…

Plowshares’ Motions Denied, Trial Set for October 21

Yesterday, 509 days after their arrest, a federal judge denied all the pre-trial motions by the our friends. Today, the judge set their trial date: Monday, October 21, 2019 with jury selection beginning at 9 a.m. The Plowshares had urged…

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