
Press Releases

COP25 Madrid: No free pass for military emissions anymore – Military is a climate killer!

There are few activities on earth as environmentally catastrophic as waging war. One of the biggest culprits of burning oil is the military and, whenever and wherever there is a conflict or a major military exercise, the amount of oil…

Over 1000 cases set to be dropped against Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested during October’s International Rebellion

The Metropolitan Police has admitted to the unlawful use of Section 14 of the Public Order Act during the first week of the October protests, following a threat of further legal action by Extinction Rebellion’s lawyers The news follows Extinction…

Greece: Put Rights at Heart of New Border Plan

Greece’s recently announced border control plans for the Aegean islands should not come at the expense of asylum seeker and migrant rights, Human Rights Watch said today. The government has said it will relocate 20,000 asylum seekers from overcrowded reception centers…

War Is Not Green

Addressing the climate crisis is one of the most important challenges of our time. The U.S. military is the world’s largest consumer of oil and causes more greenhouse gas pollution than 140 nations combined. Yet 64% of our discretionary spending…

2019 Right Livelihood Award to be Presented in Stockholm 4 December

The Laureates of this year’s Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, will be celebrated during a 10-day long programme in Germany, Switzerland and Sweden from 25 November – 4 December. The Award Presentation in Stockholm also…

31 US organizations denounce the brutal repression in Bolivia

We, the undersigned US organizations condemn the civic-military coup in Bolivia and the brutal repression unleashed by the police and military authorized by the self-proclaimed anti-Indigenous “President” of Bolivia, Senator Jeanine Áñez. The regime has burned the Wiphala, flag of…

The International Humanist Party repudiates and condemns the coup perpetrated in Bolivia against the legitimate government of Evo Morales

Faced with the serious situation in Bolivia that has led its president Evo Morales to resign, the International Humanist Party expresses its rejection and condemns the coup d’état that the opposition has perpetrated in this country. We humanists reject and…

Facing the resignation of President Evo Morales and the coup d’état in Bolivia

By José Gabriel Feres* The resignation of Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, and of Vice-President Álvaro García Lineras is undoubtedly a regrettable fact, not only for Bolivia, but for all democratic processes on the continent and in the world. The…

ICAN organisations meet at the Peace Boat in Barcelona

On the occasion of the arrival of the Peace Boat in Barcelona on Tuesday 5 November, several ICAN organisations met in an event that brought together initiatives and proposals relating to world peace. The Peace Boat, Japanese ship of Peace,…

We advance in Chile to a General Strike for the Constituent Assembly

The undersigned organizations have gathered in a historic meeting whose purpose was to give a sign of unity in the face of the indolence and lack of willingness of the government, businessmen and parliament to listen, attend and process the…

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