
Press Releases

DiEM25 demands: no extradition of Julian Assange to the United States

DiEM25 Communications 17/02/2020, Articles Spread the word Julian Assange’s extradition hearing begins on February 24. We demand that Julian Assange not be extradited to the USA! We are therefore calling for a protest march from Australia House to Parliament Square…

Extinction Rebellion UK launch new strategy: ‘In 2019 we demanded change. In 2020 we begin building the alternative’

On February 12, Extinction Rebellion UK launched its new strategy for 2020 saying: ‘This is the year rebellion goes beyond the streets and into the fabric of everything we do.’ Barely a year old, Extinction Rebellion has already been recognised as the…

Elementary and Secondary educators across Ontario will stand up against cuts to Public Education

On Friday, February 21, elementary and secondary teachers and education workers represented by the four major education unions in Ontario will stand up to the Ford government’s education cuts by participating in a one-day walkout across the province. Members of…

Macron proposes European role for French nuclear weapons, won’t meet with Hiroshima Survivor

In a speech outlining his vision for France’s nuclear deterrence strategy, President Macron touted the role of nuclear weapons in European security policy and dismissed calls for their global abolition as an ‘ethical debate’ that lacked ‘realism in the strategic context.’…

Belize signs nuclear weapon ban treaty

On 6 February, Belize became the 81st country to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – a landmark global agreement that outlaws nuclear weapons comprehensively and establishes a legal framework for their total elimination. Belize participated in…

Right Livelihood Award Laureates to Focus on Education at Bangkok Conference

More than a dozen Laureates of the Swedish Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize,’ are set to gather in Bangkok for a conference 20-22 February to discuss how education and activism can be linked closer together…

Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association Response to Anti-Semitic Violence in our Region

The Brooklyn Heights Interfaith Clergy Association is composed of neighborhood imams, ministers, pastors, priests, and rabbis who have gathered once a month for decades to represent thousands of faithful neighbors at the table. As a multi-faith group we affirm that…

New York Moves Closer to Nuclear Divestment

By Timmon Wallis and Vicki Elson, NuclearBan.US JANUARY 29, 2020: New York City moved one step closer to divesting from nuclear weapons this week, after a joint committee hearing in City Hall. As the hearing began, the only opposition was…

Who knew what, when, why? “Terror police list’ was shared across Government, NHS, Ofsted and 20 councils

We are deeply disturbed by what clearly goes way beyond the realm of an ‘unfortunate oversight’. Our planet is literally burning and some of the police and government seem desperate to silence the fire alarm. We need to find out…

This is ‘Crude, Divisive, Dangerous’ – Response from Extinction Rebellion to Police’s ‘Run Hide Tell’ poster

This ‘who’s who’ poster listing of groups in the UK that the police are telling people to ‘Run Hide Tell’ on is totally bonkers. Unfortunately it is not surprising. [1] See Poster here. The guidance document makes it clear that not all…

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