
Press Releases

New special category at the 6th edition of the Jalón Ángel Award and new deadline 17 may

The Jalón Ángel Photograph Archive pays tribute to the 25th anniversary of the creation of the San Valero Dominican Foundation (FUNDOSVA) by including a special category: Education and cooperation in its 6th International Photography Award. This category has been added…

Stay, Protect and Work with our Mother Earth

PMPI STATEMENT ON EARTH DAY This is no ordinary Earth Day to celebrate. We are now both in a climate and health crisis. Each crisis threatens humanity’s existence. WE are being asked to STAY. In the context of the health…

Sharing Sorrow, Bringing Hope

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony co-hosted by Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle – Families Forum will take place on Monday April 27th. Broadcast live, around the world from Tel Aviv and Ramallah 5:30pm UTC, 1:30pm New York time,…

Open letter with 100 signatures opposes release of Pinochet era perpetrators of crimes against humanity

In an extraordinary step backward a Chilean Court of Appeals granted release and sentence reductions to 17 State actors convicted of crimes against humanity perpetrated against thousands of Chilean citizens during the Pinochet dictatorship, provoking condemnation by survivors and the…

Demand that Financiers Divest from Fossil Fuels and Deforestation

It’s undeniable—Wall Street is fueling the climate crisis. And today, Thursday April 23rd, Earth Week NYC is teaming up with the national Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition to demand that J.P. Morgan Chase and BlackRock, two of the biggest Wall…

Earth Day 2020: Climate change would be small fry compared to nuclear war

On this Earth Day 2020, members of the Abolition 2000 coodinating committee and others have written a statement in support of the need to address the triple threats facing humanity today: climate change, global pandemics and nuclear devastation.  The statement…

50th Anniversary of Earth Day

This week, on Wednesday, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. While we may not be able to come together in the streets this year, that doesn’t mean we can’t take powerful, collective action online. From April 22 to 24,…

“Peace is Everybody’s Business”: U.S. Peace Council

An Open Letter to the United States Government and The United Nations The U.S. Peace Council is a multi-racial, pro-working class, anti-imperialist organization committed to peace, economic and social justice and to international solidarity with the peoples of the…

Grieving, Aggrieved Generations of St. John Parishioners Gather in an Emergency Protest Contra Their Own Genocide

Chloroprene + COVID-19 = too much death and suffering for one Death Alley community to bear It was a protest unlike any of the others Concerned Citizens of St. John has held over the five years they’ve been advocating for…

Day of National Fasting On Friday, April  10, 2020

Samaj Sevaks, constructive organizations and Gandhians from across the country have strongly felt the need to atone, at the time of this Corona Crisis, for the sins that we have committed against migrant workers. We are all jointly responsible for…

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