
Press Releases

Libya: Bachelet Appoints Independent Fact-Finding Mission Experts

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said the deteriorating security situation in Libya and the absence of a functioning judicial system underscored the importance of the work of a team of independent experts to document human rights violations…

Joint Statement by the Greens of Turkey and Greens of Greece on the recent tension in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

“We, Greek and Turkish Greens, are both deeply concerned about the current build-up of tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.” In an age of climate crisis, aggressive fossil fuel exploration can’t be an acceptable tool of foreign policy for any country:…

Futures of Education

UNESCO has just launched a global initiative to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative aims to rethink education and shape the future. The initiative is catalyzing a…

Save Our Storefronts (S.O.S.) call out until NYS takes action on commercial rent relief!!

Join us to hear updates about the SOS emergency legislation NYS Bill S-8865 on Wednesday, August 19th, 11 AM Register here Introduced by NYS Senator Brad Hoylman to the NYS Senate, the bill calls on commercial tenants, landlords and the…

Saint Kitts and Nevis ratifies UN nuclear weapon ban treaty on Nagasaki anniversary

Today, 9 August 2020, marks 75 years since the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing more than 74,000 people and inflicting harm across generations. To honour the victims and survivors of that horrific…

An Open Letter to the People of Japan From Concerned Peace Organizations and People of the United States

—In observance of the 75th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan— We, the undersigned, representing a coalition of concerned peace organizations and people of the United States, are advocating for abolition of nuclear weapons globally. We are gathering here…

US Event: 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

August 6th and 9th are the 75th anniversaries of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To mark those dates, over 160 organizations from across the US have joined together for a national virtual event: #StillHere: 75 Years of Shared Nuclear…

U.S. Launches Minuteman III Missile Test Less Than 48 Hours Before 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing

The U.S. Air Force launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile Tuesday morning, August 4, at 12:21 a.m. PDT from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The missile traveled over 4,200 miles to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. While…

SOS: Save Our Storefronts! Save Our State!

We need immediate and comprehensive RENT RELIEF. We strongly support legislation that will be introduced to the New York State Assembly by Assembly Member Harvey Epstein. After listening to our concerns and heeding our input, Assembly Member Epstein drafted a…

ETFO Emancipation Day is an opportunity to commit to ridding society of anti-Black racism

Emancipation Day, recognized on August 1, provides an opportunity for Ontario, its institutions and its people to commit to working towards a society that is rid of ongoing systemic and individual forms of anti-Black racism. While Ontario recognized the day…

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