
Press Releases

The Dalai Lama welcomes entry into force of nuclear ban treaty

The Dalai Lama joined campaigners around the world in celebrating the impending entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As an avowed campaigner for the elimination of all nuclear weapons, I welcome the fact that…

METO statement on the impending Entry into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) extends its warmest congratulations to the governments of all those states that have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), a treaty which prohibits the development, testing, production, acquisition, possession, stockpiling,…

Sea-Watch defends itself against unlawful blockade

Today, on Friday, Sea-Watch has filed an appeal against the blockade of the Sea-Watch 4 at the Administrative Court in Palermo. Italian authorities had blocked the rescue ship after a port state control on 19.09.2020 under flimsy grounds. According to…

50th Ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Open Letter from Mayors for Peace Mayors for Peace wholeheartedly welcomes the momentous occasion of the number of states ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) reaching fifty, ensuring its entry into force in ninety days. We…

Killer Robots: Precedent for a Ban Treaty

Shared Concerns, Desire for Human Control Should Spur Regulation (Washington, DC) – A treaty to ban fully autonomous weapons, or “killer robots,” is essential and achievable, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 25-page report, “New Weapons, Proven…

The World Center for Humanist Studies launches a campaign to endorse the Humanist Document

“Throughout history, human beings have been the protagonists of many revolutions in many fields. These evolutionary, non-linear leaps have occurred at times when social organization and current values were no longer able to respond to the needs of growing human…

1 million signatures to stop intensive farming

October 2nd 12:00 p.m. – More than one million signatures have been collected all over Europe to put an end to cage farming. This goal has been achieved thanks to 170 animal rights organizations, environmental and consumers’ groups that gathered…

COVID-19 People’s lives have been sacrificed to the economic interests of the dominant powers

They have once again failed to give priority to human beings, to life, over the economic interests of the “lords of the world” who, over the last 50 years, have done nothing but steal and destroy life on Earth. Friday…

We Demand respect for judicial independence in Colombia

Today, Colombian democracy is facing one of its most difficult moments. The President of the Republic and the Government party are carrying out an aggressive campaign against rights, the balance of powers, the Courts, and judicial independence; dangerously advancing towards…

IPB Statement of Congratulations to the World Food Programme

IPB Statement of Congratulations to the World Food Programme (WFP), Winner of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize The International Peace Bureau, 1910 Nobel Peace Laureate, welcomes the Nobel Committee’s decision to award the World Food Programme the 2020 prize. The…

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