
Press Releases

Multiconvergence: next actions

The 13 global networks that currently make up a process of Multiconvergence – in which they commit to get to know and support each other and, take action together – are preparing at this time to finalize an OPEN LETTER…

Statement from a Coalition of Pan African Organizations on the War in Ethiopia

By the United African Congress We are deeply disturbed by the escalation of violence following the declaration of war on the regional state of Tigray by PM Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia on November 4, 2020. We are New York-based Pan…

Letter from the Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth

Dear Madam, Dear Sir, We hereby take the liberty of drawing your attention and solicit your support – a signature – to the initiative of our international citizens’ association the Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth, in favour of…

Genetic engineering research is a secret: How the federal government and the EU want to let us run blindly into a high-risk adventure

Classified information: Millions and millions are spent on genetic engineering projects, but research into the risks of genome changes and into detection methods that make it possible to detect genetically modified organisms, for example in food, is completely underfunded. Genetic…

Martha Hennessy, Kings Bay Plowshares Anti-Nuclear Weapons Activist Sentenced

Martha Hennessy, the sixth of the Kings Bay Plowshares defendants to be sentenced, was ordered to serve 10 months incarceration as well as three years supervised probation and restitution. This was a downward departure from the guidelines of 18 to…

The Gates Empire: how philanthro-capitalism is harming sustainable development

The empire of Gates, how philanthro-capitalistism is endangering sustainable development / / Manuel Lopez Navdanya International The latest report by Navdanya International, “Gates to a global empire”, aims to investigate the role and action of one of the private…

The Parliament Elections in Lithuania: A Historic Victory for Women’s Leadership and Unprecedented Diaspora Engagement

The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania announced the final results of the Parliamen elections. The central-right party, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, will hold the new Parliament’s largest number of seats. Women will occupy one-third of the total number…

Varoufakis in Aggressive Defense of Assange (video)

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Tuesday, October 27, the Secretary-General of MERA25 attended via video-link (a meeting with) the Special Investigations Unit for International Judicial Assistance to assist the Spanish authorities as a witness for the prosecution in the…

Human Rights Tribunal in Berlin: Migration and Asylum Policies of the German Government and the EU Violate Fundamental Human Rights Including the Right to Health

The current migration and asylum policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and the EU seriously violate the right to health and the physical and psychological integrity of migrant and refugee peoples. This is the result of the Human Rights…

Vladimir Putin: additional steps to de-escalate the situation in Europe in the wake of the termination of the INF Treaty

In 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union came to an agreement to eliminate their stocks of intermediate-range and shorter-range (or “medium-range”) land-based missiles (which could carry nuclear warheads). In February 2019, the United States announced it was suspending…

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