
Press Releases

Global Movement Calls For Urgent Action To Address The Climate Crisis

December 12th Climate Ambition Summit: Global Movement Calls For Urgent Action To Address The Climate Crisis The Cop26 Coalition, a coalition of organizations campaigning for urgent action on the climate crisis, criticized the UK government’s Climate Ambition Summit on the 12th…

10D: The first of the human rights must be the right to subsistence, and is yet to be developed

On December 10, when the 72nd anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights is celebrated, the right to subsistence of each person remains to be truly developed because it is a Right. To do this, we propose the implementation of…

Democracy Groups Launch Project to Envision More Democratic U.S. Constitution

On the anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, two pro-democracy human rights groups, Democracy Unlimited and Move to Amend, today launched a project to envision a more democratic and just U.S. Constitution. Toward a People’s…

CLADE launches a report on Criminalization of the Student Struggle and Violation of Students’ Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

Launched on Human Rights Day, December 10th, the document addresses the situation of students as protagonists in the defence of the right to education and other human rights and their increasing criminalisation in the region With the support of the…

Forest clearance stop at Tesla – ÖDP and allies win in court

Administrative court Frankfurt / Oder ensures that forest is not felled for the time being In an urgent decision, the Frankfurt / Oder Administrative Court stopped the clearing of further areas for the Tesla factory on December 7, 2020. The…


On November 27 and 28, 2020, the Neurodiversity Network participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum, within a total of 27 thematic networks. The synthesis of the Neurodiversity Network was presented to the Forum by Maximiliano Bravo, a sociologist,…

The Agorà degli Abitanti della Terra writes to the President of the UN Assembly

The Agorà degli Abitanti della Terra sent the following letter to VolKan Bozkir, President of the UN Assembly that will meet on 3 and 4 December to finally discuss the issue of the Covid-19 pandemic.   For the global health,…

CODEPINK Calls on World Leaders, Including Joe Biden, to Condemn the Assassination of Iranian Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

CODEPINK calls on world leaders, including U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, to condemn the illegal execution of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Fakhrizadeh was assassinated in the city of Absard outside of Tehran, Iran by a bombing attack followed by a…

Middle East Treaty Organization statement on the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of the Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh as reported in the media today. Iran has alleged that this crime has been carried out by Israeli agents, and other…

CLADE’s final declaration

After a reflection process carried out through seven thematic virtual meetings and the subsequent systematization of the contents that emerged, in order to evaluate and ponder them in intense work days developed through assemblies also virtually during this last week,…

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