
Press Releases

Statement on the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and the 75th anniversary of Resolution 1 of the UN Security Council

We are facing “the beginning of the elimination of nuclear weapons.” On January 22, the Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will enter into force. It will specifically prohibit States Parties from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, acquiring, possessing,…

Major global health, humanitarian organizations convene to welcome Entry Into Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

On the eve of the Entry Into Force of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), leaders of six top international health and humanitarian organizations will convene for the first time to address their roles in…

Welcome to BRICIOLAND: the land of Solidarity: Full Moon Crumbs 2020

We share the letter that Weavers’ Wheel network (INDIA) & Associazione Antigóna (Bologna, ITALY) have sent to their friends to give an account of the activities and projects carried out together. Dear friends, when there is a FULL MOON the…

Promote first ever PSA for UBI

Fund for Humanity has led the creation of this amazing ad / PSA. Starting today, Jan. 14th at 3pm ET and for the next six weeks, the PSA will launch on air on websites like CNN, Wall Street Journal, and…

Consistency and efficiency: Aspirations and challenges of humanist parties

Today, Wednesday January 6th, marks the 83rd anniversary of the birth of the ideologue of the New Universalist Humanism, the Argentine philosopher Mario Rodríguez Cobos, better known by his pseudonym, Silo. At the beginning of the 1990s, in the midst…

Intersectionality strives of access fundamental and universal rights: feminist, LGBTQI +, anti-racist and environmental.

The Fórum Social de Migrações (FSM) was born in Porto Alegre in 2004, as a branch of the World Social Forum, with the main objective of building convergences and alternative models of participatory governance of migration. It is a horizontal,…

International Migrants Day 2020. Migration told by children

What is the refugee children’s real view of their own condition? On International Migrants Day 2020 of 18th December 2020, Still I Rise focuses on the web-series “Through Our Eyes“: a six-part documentary that restores the word of the witnesses…

Joint Press Release againts stigmatization campaign to the Colombian Feedration of Educators of Colombia -FECODE-

Colombian history has been characterised by the existence of conflictive, difficult and dangerous conditions for social movements, trade unions, peasants, indigenous people and Afro-descendants, which extend to the possibility of consolidating critical thinking in general. Opposition political parties have been…

Statement on the U.S. Recognition of Moroccan Sovereignty over Western Sahara

On this day, December 14th 2020, which marks the 60th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, IFOR is issuing a statement on the recent developments regarding the conflict in Western Sahara. On…

Victory! Seville cancels Electronic Warfare Europe arms fair

In October, Liverpool, UK cancelled EWE’s planned arms fair there. The Seville cancellation follows protests by progressive, anti-war and anti-racist groups. In a press release on the 11th of December by the City Council of Seville, the Councilor of Urban…

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