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Julian Assange’s final appeal date announced

In a significant legal development, the UK High Court has granted Julian Assange the right to appeal his extradition to the United States. The court ruled that a US diplomatic note, which purported to assure that Assange would not face…

In Spite of Geography: A Window to Europe becomes a Gateway to Asia

There has been ample coverage of a marathon press conference held by Vladimir Putin for heads of foreign and Russian press agencies earlier this month. Predictably, most attention was drawn to his answer to a British journalist as to possible…

Biden’s New Border and Asylum Cap

President Joe Biden signed an executive order that places stronger regulations on undocumented migrants seeking asylum at the Southern border on June 4th. According to President Biden, this decision was made to combat the fentanyl crisis, as well as manage…

Is a nuclear struggle between Macron and Putin inevitable?

The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict revealed the worrying servility of Western countries, which translated into the loss of decision-making power of European institutions and their total subordination to the geopolitical dictates of the United States, leaving France as an…

The first step of the Third March for Peace and Nonviolence will take place in the Aula Magna “Kofi Annan” of UPaz, Costa Rica.

On the 7th of May, representatives of the promotion team in Costa Rica of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence met at the University for Peace with the Rector of this institution, Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena, in the…

Opening of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Berlin and Hamburg

Because of the current world situation, it is urgent to make the voices for a world without war and violence heard on all continents. To this end, the organization “World without Wars and Violence” is organizing the 3rd World March…

Ukraine: Stop the criminalization of peace and human rights speech  and the prosecution of Yurii Sheliazhenko,  Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

The undersigned organizations express their deep disappointment and grave concerns about the continuing harassment of peace activists and conscientious objectors, including the obviously arbitrary prosecution of Yurii Sheliazhenko, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and EBCO Board member, whose…

Academic Murder’ in Palestine

The crime against ideas thought and education. Eight months after the attack perpetrated by Hamas and the subsequent Israeli reprisals, which are still ongoing, the gravity of the Zionist actions against the Palestinian population in Gaza and other occupied territories…

Do the USA and NATO want to subjugate Russia and China?

“There cannot be a just war, because there is no such thing as a just war. War is the temporary loss of judgment” (Juan Bautista Alberdi). Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “Between Two Ages: The Role of the United States…

Letter from Humanist International to the UN Secretary General

Letter of the Humanist International to Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations Organization on the occasion of the demand for coherent actions of the UN in the face of the genocide in the Gaza Strip in Palestine.…

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