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Aerial Drone Video Footage from People’s Climate March in New York City

It is estimated that more than 300,000 people filled the streets in New York City for the People’s Climate March on September 21, the largest climate action to date. Organizers say some 2,600 solidarity events took place around the world.…

Defeat Terrorism: Humanise the Earth on O2

There will always be people with extreme ideas. But for those extreme ideas to prosper, grow, and become wars, kidnappings, beheadings and torture they have to fall on fertile ground. That fertile ground is provided by the system in which…

Mindanao: Bangsamoro Basic Law submitted to Congress

Osbi Santillan, of World without Wars and Violence, informed Pressenza: “that the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), prepared by the Bangsamoro Transition Council (BTC) has been turned over by the President of the Philippines to the Legislative Branch (Senate and…

Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry

As the movement to abolish psychiatry continues to gather momentum – see ‘On Antipsychiatry’ – it is worth reviewing its delusional foundation, the history of its violence and its function as a weapon of elite social control. Robert J. Burrowes Psychiatry…

Indian journalists protest over colleague’s arrest

Guwahati: The journalist fraternity of northeast India took to the streets demonstrating their anger against the Assam government for arresting a private television journalist suspect of ‘maintaining unlawful relationship’ with banned armed outfits. The media personnel under various forums urged the…

Anti-Israel feeling tips the reporting balance for what appear to be bogus claims

The Israeli Government is in need of some “winning” electoral coup after a useless and heartless war with an equally heartless Hamas (that has managed to turn Gaza’s disaster, at least for some of its inhabitants, into some kind of…

Is there still hope for peace in Ukraine?

Berlin 1961 (photomontage – NoWar-Roma) The Ukrainian government, like Israel in Gaza, relentlessly goes on bombing residential areas in the eastern regions “to kill the terrorists hiding out there” (but also the civilians living there). The separatists, called “terrorists”, are…

China and the New Democracy of Mao

In Hong Kong media yesterday morning (Monday 1 Sept, 2014) Headline Daily reported in its columns, under the title, “NPC sets framework for chief executive election”, that deputy secretary-general Li Fei of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee urged Hong…

“Nonviolent spaces”

We, from the “Nonviolent spaces” initiative (orientated towards spreading out Silo’s Message and promoting communities self-generation), are organising an on-line campaign for October the 2nd in order to reach trending topic status that same day in various social networks with…

Conflict about refugee protests in Germany is getting worse

Since two years now, Germany is shaken by refugees who protest against isolation in far-off asylum seekers camps, against the obligation to reside in their camps, for fair and fast procedures for granting the right for asylum, in general for…

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